“a new user attempting to create a user account reports filling out the account information, but when they click ‘submit’, the page refreshes, and fails to create the user account. They attempted with two different browsers, and attempting filling the information using ORCID and manually.
This has prevented the potential author from being able to start the submission process.”
Hi @rcoughlan,
Are you able to reproduce this behavior yourself?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes, I’ve been able to replicate the issue. When I go through the registration process and then click “Submit”, it just appears to refresh the page.
Here’s what I can see in the error log when I try and register. From what I can tell, this is happening across all journals in the instance.
[Mon Jul 10 09:47:03.736691 2017] [rewrite:trace1] [pid 29114] mod_rewrite.c(470): [client] - - [ojs.library.queensu.ca/sid#7f2007a4db98][rid#7f2007fc2630/initial] pass through /index.php/surveillance-and-society/user/register, referer: https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/user/register
[Mon Jul 10 09:47:03.737208 2017] [rewrite:trace1] [pid 29114] mod_rewrite.c(470): [client] - - [ojs.library.queensu.ca/sid#7f2007a4db98][rid#7f2008116f30/subreq] pass through /surveillance-and-society/user/register, referer: https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/user/register
[Mon Jul 10 09:47:03.854859 2017] [:error] [pid 29114] [client] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'en_US' in /var/www/html/queens/lib/pkp/classes/core/DataObject.inc.php on line 133, referer: https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/user/register
[Mon Jul 10 09:47:03.854962 2017] [:error] [pid 29114] [client] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'en_US' in /var/www/html/queens/lib/pkp/classes/core/DataObject.inc.php on line 133, referer: https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/user/register
[Mon Jul 10 09:47:03.871848 2017] [:error] [pid 29114] [client] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'en_US' in /var/www/html/queens/lib/pkp/classes/core/DataObject.inc.php on line 133, referer: https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/user/register
[Mon Jul 10 09:47:04.142478 2017] [:error] [pid 29114] [client] PHP Warning: assert(): Assertion failed in /var/www/html/queens/plugins/generic/counter/CounterPlugin.inc.php on line 106, referer: https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/user/register
Hi @kaitlin,
Would you be willing to provide me (privately if you like) with a URL to your installation?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher here’s the journal that originally reported the issue, though I’ve noticed it in others on the instance: Ideas in Ecology and Evolution
Hi @kaitlin,
At a glance, it looks like you’re using a version of the Bootstrap theme plugin that’s not completely compatible with your version of OJS. Where did you install the boostrap theme plugin from?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yep, looks like that was the issue! We were using the master branch of the bootstrap plugin because of a fix we needed, but one of the latest updates for OJS 3.1 broke our site. I’ve switched back to the 3.0.2 branch, and pulled in the fix we needed (for recaptcha to work).
Thanks again for all the help!
Hello @kaitlin, @smecher, @geekm1983, @Vladislav_Mavrin, @NateWr,
I have encountered an apparently similar issue.
I am running OJS 3.0.2, with Bootstrap3 “journal” theme (v.1.0.2, which should be compatible), and users are unable to register.
When filling the “register” form and confirming registration, the “register” page loads again, with fields left blank. No email confirmation is sent to user, and user is not created in system. I have been able to replicate the issue locally, and the only error line I got in the log (this is the “non-verbose” log I can access on my shared hosting platform) is:
[Tue Sep 05 11:33:03.983167 2017] [ssl:error] [pid 16834:tid 7] AH02032: Hostname HELLO provided via SNI and hostname clararevue.ulb.be provided via HTTP have no compatible SSL setup
A similar issue was also posted by @geekm1983 in another post here: https://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/t/users-cant-register/32627
All solutions tend to stress the use of an incompatible version of Bootstrap3. However, I am running Boostrap3 v.1.0.2, which should be compatible with OJS.3.0.2.
Also, I have checked that Users have the possibility of self-registrating to the journal for certain roles (author, reader, reviewer) as suggested by @asmecher and @NateWr in this post here: https://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/t/users-can-not-register/19209
Finally, since I have the Orcid plugin installed which is also giving problems, as I did mention in this post here: ORCID iD not retrieved - #23 by afisher, I have disabled the Orcid plugin, to make sure there is no interference (actually, my sense is that solving this issue will solve my Orcid plugin problem…).
Nothing will do.
Any suggestion?
Would it make sense to install again the Bootstrap3 v.1.0.2 from here https://github.com/NateWr/bootstrap3/tree/ojs-3.0.2? Is there any risk that crushing my existing Bootstrap3 files will cancel some personalized settings?
Thank you for you prompt answer and support.
Hi @afisher,
The fix for us was to pull in this commit, which makes the captcha work properly and allows users to register - #47 Add support for recaptcha · NateWr/bootstrap3@999fdc4 · GitHub
I’m not sure if that’s what’s going on for you, but it worked for us!
Thanks @kaitlin! That sounds like a plausible solution to their problem.
Would it make sense to install again the Bootstrap3 v.1.0.2 from here
Maybe. If so, try the release package here instead of the git source.
My other suggestion would be to make sure your template cache is cleared. It’s possible you’ve got the correct version of the theme but the cached templates are still from the old version.
Thank you @Kaitlin,
I don’t know why you would ever believe that fixing recaptcha would also make Orcid Id retrieval work, but your trick did solve my (parallel) recaptcha issue.
Hi @NateWr,
Thank you for your answer. I did download the full Bootstrap3 package from github, and uploaded it to my server, overwriting the previously existing files. It solved some layout issues, and made regular registration available to users, but the Orcid ID retrieval button is still not being able to populate the registration form…
Thank you
Hi @afisher,
Note that I’ve already followed up about ORCiD on your other thread. It helps if conversations don’t get split into multiple places, as it divides our efforts and clutters the forum.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team