Hello, I am new to OJS and I am using OJS 3.1.2, I would like to know what I am doing wrong that every time I publish an article with more than one author between the two names I get this string
“## common.commaListSeparator ##” (without the quotes).
It shows me like this:
Name Author 1 ## common.commaListSeparator ## Name Author 2
The strange string you see means that the translation for that string is not available. I guess you are not using English UI.
To add the missing localisation string I suggest to use translator plugin. It is easy to use.
We have converted our translations from XML format into PO format, which is a standard used by many translation tools. We’re about to launch a new translation toolset that uses this, so I wouldn’t recommend working on translations using the old Translator plugin. If you’re interested in taking an early look at this, please send me a private message!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am following on this because I am in the same situation as Dorota: I need to translate some strings, which at the moment appear as ##…## in several parts of the website, but I cannot find the “Translator” menu in “Website > Settings”. I have read your message about the new format you plan to use for translation (PO), and I would also like to keep informed about that.
However, in the mean time, how can I advance with this issue? Is it still possible to use the old plugin?
Best regards
thanks for your answer. I have installed the plugin; however, as per the situation Dorota was describing, I cannot find the “Translator” menu in “Website > Settings”. I also attach here a screenshot. Do you know if I am missing something?
Best regards