I would like to install ALM plugin, but I don’t find a good guide. I only found these guides:
Somebody help me?
I would like to install ALM plugin, but I don’t find a good guide. I only found these guides:
Somebody help me?
(Hi @santillan – corrected, thanks!)
Hello everybody!
Many thanks for ALM plugin!
We have installed it to OJS 2.4.3. and 2.4.8.
We have mentioned that It works well without API Key.
So the internal statistics is enough…
But we have a problem with HTML views displaying at the bottom of the page
this statistics is present in database and displayed by Statistic Charts plugin!
Could you tell how to fix this problem, please.
The article that mentions has broken links and is from 2015 please post a recent one, thank you very much, I’ve been looking for this for months, someone who can help me or can charge me
This ALM plugin and the PKP ALM service has been discontinued.
Good day, is that I have been showing statistics for months, or metrics of how many articles and pdf have been viewed, please if someone helps me with a plugin, or if there is something to do, why not find where to do this, and install A test version of ojs to see if the latest version of ojs 3.2 is easier to show these metrics thank you very much
OJS 3 is intended to handle this better internally. Have you followed through the linked conversation to this blog post?
It provides examples of article level metrics in OJS 3.x.
Hello, thank you very much for replying, if you try with a clean revision of the latest version of ojs, but it does not show where to install or enable or disable the plugin, when you install alm in a clean magazine, but when I install it in my Magazine does not appear anything, someone who can help me
The ALM service has been decommissioned; see this blog entry for our newest initiative on statistics.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for the news,
But while Impactstory is still under development, can we use one of those instead?
Are they operational?
We are using the Plum Analytics plugin for OJS 2.x. Be aware that this requires a third party subscription.
Good day, pkp group as well as the plugin they are developing needs a third party subscription?
The Plum Analytics plugin requires a paid subscription to Plum Analytics.
It’s not clear to me from the blog posting @asmecher referenced whether the new PKP initiative will require a free subscription to ImpactStory, or if will will just be dependent on ImpactStory’s architecture without a specific subscription. Either way, it is not a paid subscription service.
The service will be completely unrelated to the ImpactStory Profiles product. It is currently planned as a free service. That all said, some sign up may be required. Details to come in the fall as a prototype becomes available.
I installed the ALM for 2.4.8. I summitted the API key, yet it has not worked yet.
Is it necessary DOI number for ALM?
I it si ok, can I use the ALM without DOI?
Thank you in advance.
Hi @Gokmen_ARSLAN,
The ALM service that the ALM plugin uses has been decommissioned. Review this thread for information on alternatives.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for your reply.
Can you suggest me any alternative plugin?
Hi @Gokmen_ARSLAN,
See e.g.: Which plugin do you recommend that pay for the same function as alm
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team