Good morning, pkp community
I have a doubt is that I’ve been installing the alm plugin for months but you do not show me the metrics, only metrics are not found, so for that reason I want to know if there is a payment plugin to do this same function and that they recommend me and the Show working, it is urgent is for a magazine that needs a title that will give you by these metrics
thank you very much.
As I already suggested here Plugin metrics for samples pdf views and articles and abstracts you could maybe use the Usage Statistics plugin. You can also search the forum to find some more information on Usage Statistics plugin i.e. how to use it…
Ojs has already tied up with some organistaion/company known as impact story which shall provide metrics just like plum X or almetrics. They are currently working on the plugin.
Usage statistics plugin works fine.
How can I find the Usage statistics plugin or any alternative as article metrics?
What software and version are you using? As admin, you will find the generic Usage Statistics plugin in the plugin list…
I have used ojs
I woud like to set up a plugin for each article under page.
I found the plum plugin, yet ı need to use doi number
We havr not used doi number yet.
You would need to add some code in order to display Usage Statistics plugin numbers on the article page, s. Abstract views, PDF views and Download Stats Made Public 😶 - #7 by beghelli.
To assign DOIs to your articles, you could use the DOI public identifer plugin (under System Plugins > Public Identifier Plugins). Note that this plugin only assigns the DOIs to the articles in OJS. The DOI registration can then be done either manually or using the Import/Export Plugins DataCite, mEDRA or Crossref, depending on your DOI agency.
Unfortunately, we cannot buy the DOI number for articles yet. Because, we have not found any sponsor.
I added the code, yet it dos not work correctly.
thanks again.
{translate key=“article.abstract”} - {$article->getViews()}
{if $galleys}
{foreach from=$galleys item=galley name=galleyList}
{$galley->getGalleyLabel()} - {$galley->getViews()}
Could you explain a little bit more? E.g. where did you added that code, what exactly is not working correctly, etc.
When did you enabled the Usage Statistics plugin? Are you usage stats log files processed correctly? Do you have any statistics in your DB table metrics
The Usage Statistics plugin is collecting/logging the usage/access in the folder usageStats/usageEventLogs
in your files_dir
. In order for the usage statistics log files to be processed and thus statistics numbers calculated, you would need either a cron job or Acorn plugin. The log files are then processed and statistics calculated daily. If processed successfully the results/numbers/statistics are saved in the DB table metrics
and usage statistics log files moved to the usageStats/archive
folder. There is also logging of the processing of the usage statistics log files – you can find the log files beginning with “Usagestatisticsfileloadertask-” in the folder scheduledTaskLogs
in your files_dir
See maybe also other forum posts about Usage Statistics plugin and log processing…
Do you have any statistics in your DB table metrics
It seems that your usage statistics log files are not processed successfully…
Could you then also check the folders I mentioned above?
Hmmm… Yes, your log files are not processed…
What do you have in your DB table scheduled_tasks
? – Is there an entry with class_name = plugins.generic.usageStats.UsageStatsLoade
Do you have any file in the scheduledTaskLogs
folder with the name beginning with “Usagestatisticsfileloadertask-...
” ?
Thanks for your reply.
The scheduled_tasks include, CrossRefautomaticregistrationtask-58c0502fc0fa8-2017Openaccessnotification-58c88010ac778-20170314.log0308.log,
DataCiteautomaticregistrationtask-58c1a268b63ac-20170309.log, PKPPLNDepositorTask-58c0502fbc62b-20170308.log,
Reviewreminder-58ca2de4ed799-20170316.log, and
Unfortunately, there are no any folders entitled plugins.generic.usageStats.UsageStatsLoader
Also, there is no the Usagestatisticsfileloadertask in the scheduledTaskLogs folder.
Hmmm… For some reason the Acorn plugin does not run the Usage Statistics scheduled task :-
Could you maybe try to run this command from the OJS folder on your server:
php tools/runScheduledTasks.php lib/pkp/plugins/generic/usageStats/scheduledTasksAutoStage.xml
This should run the Usage Statistics scheduled task and thus process the log files. If everything goes well, the log files would be first copied to the usageStats/stage/
folder, then to usageStats/processing/
folder and then when processed either to the usageStats/archive/
or usageStats/reject/
Because you have lots of log files to be processed this might take some time. Track and/or check later what is happening/what happened with the files.
After that you should also have the entry in the DB table scheduled_tasks
. And after that the Acron plugin should run that scheduled task every day.
Also, you should see the appropriate processing log files in your scheduledTaskLogs/
folder. There you can also see if any errors occured.
Hi Bozana,
I am sorry. I do not understand.
Can you tell me more specifically how I run the php tools/runScheduledTasks.php lib/pkp/plugins/generic/usageStats/scheduledTasksAutoStage.xml.
I found these folders, yet I do not know how I can run?
Sorry again, I have no enough technical knowledge.
You (or your system administrator) would need an SSH access i.e. a command line interface to your OJS server so that you can execute that command/script from your OJS folder. That way i.e. running that script, the execution of the usage statistics scheduled task will be triggered.
Unfortunately there is no web UI for that – you need the SSH i.e. command line access to the server and to call the script from there.
Eventually you could try to apply these changes to your class lib/pkp/plugins/generic/acron/ – they insert a new function “reload” for the Acron plugin:
pkp/pkp-lib#2543 reload scheduled tasks function for the acron plugin by bozana · Pull Request #2545 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.
I am not sure if the changes will work on your OJS version (they will come with the next OJS release), but you could eventually try.
If the changes are applied correctly, you would then find that new function as OJS admin under Settings > Website > Plugins > Acron Plugin > then click on the arrow at the Acron plugin to see the plugin management function. One of those functions/links is “Reload Scheduled Tasks”. Click on that link in order to reload all scheduled tasks – thus also usage statistics scheduled task should be called.
I hope that helps a little bit…
So now the file processing works?
And the counts are displayed on the article page? – I cannot access that page with the link you posted…
How do you know that the counts are not correct and that there is no change in the last week?
I get “Server not found” for the link.
Also, I do not know what do you mean with “There is no any changes in the last week.” – where do you see that?
I opened the articles using different IP, yet there are no any changes in articles’ counts. For example, the 315 view is still same.
Also, I would like to ask another question. I has decided to upgrade the OJS 3.02 with Default Manuscript Child Theme and am trying to customize it. However, I cannot change the stylesheet file(…\ojs\cache/1-stylesheet). After making several changes, the file uploaded first file automatically with removing my changes. For example, I removed the “text-transform: uppercase” style, after a few minutes, the file uploaded initial file automatically with removing my change.
Best wishes,