DOIs not assigned when publishing an issue

Hello everyone!

We are using OJS with the DOI and DataCite Export/Registration plugins properly configured (both tested). One of our user have recently published an issue of one of their journal, but DOIs haven’t been auto-assigned to the articles as we expected reading this:

Looking for some hints we found this thread (even if it refers to an earlier version):

where it is clearly stated that you must manually assign them. Is it possible that there was some error during the publication or is it correct that the DOI should be assigned manually to each article before the publication of the issue?

Thank you very much

Hi, any advice on this problem?
Reading this part of documentation regarding the quicksubmit plugin we understand that for articles uploaded by quicksubmit DOI must be assigned manually editing the uploaded purpose.
Are there other scenarios where doi have to be assigned manually, despite DOI plugin is set for assigning them with a defined pattern?
Best regards,

Hello again,

can anyone give us a suggestion? There is also this open thread:


Hi @bozana, I’m asking to you because of this post you wrote in the old thread cited by @sourcedump opening this one.
In OJS 3.1 we had the automatic creation of DOIs, from 3.2 we have to assign them manually… why?
DOI Plugin still have settings for automatical assignement, but in our OJS 3.2 it doesn’t work anymore, as you can read here.
Can you help?
Best regards

as a result of other tests we made, we understand that from OJS 3.2 onward, the automatic assignation of DOIs could be stopped by the requirement of connecting an article to an issue (see image below).


No server call, for DOI creation, is made during the submission, and when an issue is tied to the article (with Schedule for publication procedure) is probably too late (in previous OJS versions DOI was already created, and DOI plugin seems unchanged).

We can’t understand if this is a new logic or if it is a bug, maybe related to the versioning changes introduced in 3.2. If is a new logic, can someone (@bozana? @asmecher?) explain it?

There’s no reason to manually check the DOI creation/assignation, and is not clear why DOIs are still automatically created for issues (see [OJS.3.2.1-2] DOIs are not assigned automatically to submissions before scheduling to a future issue) but not for articles …

We used OJS testdrive to check the situation in OJS current version, and it looks like nothing has changed from 3.2

Best regards

Hi all,
I believe this is meant to provide the same situation as before 3.2 – that the editor has to explicitly assign the DOI: now it seems that just one more step is needed (to press Assign button) where earlier (and for issues also now) there is the pre-selected checkbox “Assign the DOI to this issue”.

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If you use the issue details in your DOIs, you will need to assign the submission to an issue, then go to DOIs and assign a DOI, before you schedule it for publication. The UI will suggest that you schedule it for publication after assigning to an issue, but you can cancel the second step.

We encourage journals not to use issue details in their DOIs, to follow best practices for DOIs, and will be implementing a better UI dedicated to DOI management in 3.4.

Hello! Do you know if any progess has been made on this? @NateWr ?

Hi @rebeccauoe. It’s not clear to me what the issue is from previous posts. However, for the next major version (3.4) we are completely overhauling how DOIs are assigned, managed and deposited.

Hi @NateWr, our user said, “I found that the DOI field in the submission remained blank throughout, even after being assigned to an issue and that issue then being published. After first assigning it to the issue, a warning was displayed to say that a DOI had not been assigned; this seems intended as a reminder for the user that they should manually click the “Assign” button on the DOI page in order to generate the DOI.”. I think the DOI was automatically assigned beforehand.

@rebeccauoe I’m not sure about the behaviour at different versions. I can only say it’s changing in 3.4 and we will emphasize automated DOI creation whenever possible.

I’d recommend opening a new topic on the software support thread. You’ll be asked information like the version and reproduction steps which might help someone help you find a solution to your problem.

Okay! Thanks, @NateWr

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