I am using OJS 3.0.1 .
I have pasted these codes in the my themes template /public_html/templates/frontend/objects/article_details.tpl
and the issue_toc.tpl
First I had copied in the article.tpl in the front end folder. But still it showed 0 and also now its showing 0.
Also My usage stats files (UsageStatsLoader.inc, UsageStatsPlugin.inc, UsageStatsReportPlugin.inc) are showing errors on line 16, 17 and 17 respectively.
The line 16, 17 and 17 in all files shows this error : “Call to undefined function import() in /home/u796555399/public_html/plugins/generic/usageStats/UsageStatsLoader.inc.php on line 16”
The line reads as import(‘lib.pkp.plugins.generic.usageStats.PKPUsageStatsLoader’);
I have also ran
{translate key=“article.abstract”} viewed = {$article->getViews()} times
{if $galleys}
{foreach from=$galleys item=galley name=galleyList}
{$galley->getGalleyLabel()} | {$galley->getViews()} | times
{if is_a($article, ‘PublishedArticle’)}{assign var=galleys value=$article->getGalleys()}{/if}
I have also tried using crons (for scheduling ), but it showed 404 error.
Please do let me know where I am going wrong