Registration on LOCKSS with PKP PLN Plugin

Hi Tommy.

It looks like @mjordan has already answered your questions about accessing the content. As for the other issues, I’m not sure what’s going on.

ICS has contacted our server every day to update the network status and terms of use. It has not attempted to make a deposit to us yet. If the status page hasn’t changed from the screenshot above, then something has gone wrong inside your journal.

The log files for the pln plugin are in files/scheduledTaskLogs, where ever your journal stores files. They’re named PKPPLNDepositorTask*.log. If you can send me those log files I’ll take a look and see if I can figure out what is going on.

Hi there.

Is it possible that I can send the host access credentials to your private email for you to look into it more conveniently and to solve the aforementioned issues faster?

Thank you.


I’m not comfortable having that kind of access Tommy. There are too many things that could go wrong.

There are a few different ways to find the directory I mentioned. The simplest is to open the file and look for “files_dir” (without the quotes). It will point to the location of uploaded files. Inside that directory there should be a directory called “journals” and one called “scheduledTaskLogs.” The PLN plugin’s log files should be inside the scheduledTaskLogs. They will be named something like “PKPPLNDepositorTask-569835706096f-20160114.log”

569835706096f is a big random number. Your log files will have different random numbers there. There will be many different log files named in a similar way

Please send them all to me.

Yes, I found it but nothing is in it. It shows the “This directory is empty” after double click on scheduledTaskLogs.

@asmecher Can you help out here? I don’t know why the scheduledTaskLogs directory would be empty.

We followed all the instructions from PKP and it is really weird. We have no idea how to work it out now.

Hi @Tommy_Tan and @mjoyce,

Is it possible that the file permissions on that directory aren’t allowing OJS to create files there?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I am not sure about that. Is it any solution for that?

Hi @Tommy_Tan,

See this FAQ entry.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Sorry, our host has different settings for the permissions. We can easily change the permission for creating files showed on here.

w - Write permission. Whether the file may be written to or modified. For a directory, this defines whether you can make any changes to the contents of the directory. If write permission is not set then you will not be able to delete, rename or create a file.

However, we are not sure whether we should check the Write permissions for Group or World?

Hi @Tommy_Tan,

You’ll have to go through the FAQ entry carefully, I’m afraid. Numerical permissions aren’t enough for me to say what’s appropriate; you’ll also need to make sure you know who owns the file, and what the SAPI is. Servers behave differently in this regard depending on how they’re configured.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you. We have done all the work about the PLN Plugin by following your and your colleagues’ instructions carefully. However, the ScheduledTaskLogs is still empty. Let’s leave it alone and wish more stable version in the future.

Good luck.

Hi Tommy.

I’d still like to track this one down. Can you send me the apache error logs? There may be something useful in them.


PS. I apologize for not responding sooner. The notification email for your post was marked as spam.

I have the plugin on my site enabled and everything would seem to be in order except that under network status it reads: “Network Status: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.” Any idea of what’s going on and how to address it?

That depends on how long ago you enabled the PLN plugin. It takes about 24 hours for the journal to reach out to our servers, and then it takes about another 24 hours for our server to contact the journal and verify everything.

Hi Michael,

Thank you. I sent the logos to your email. Please check that.


Thanks Tommy.

Unfortunately that log isn’t as useful as I had hoped. There are no errors related to the PKP PLN in the log file.

Thanks. Just leave it alone. Best.