I manage the web site of four scientific journals based on OJS system. Our intent is to register them in the LOCKSS system. I enabled the PKP PLN Plugin accepting the terms of use but don’t know how to check if the journals are correctly registered in LOCKSS system.
The plugin setting page give me a journal identifier and the link http://pkp-pln.lib.sfu.ca/login, but it needs a login registration with password that I ignore.
You can ignore that link; you do not need to log into that site. We will add some text in the next version of the plugin to clarify that.
The PLN is still in its pilot phase and will be accepting deposits from all journals - including yours - in early February, once we have completed testing with the pilot members. In order to confirm that you have successfully enabled and configured the plugin, click on the ‘status’ link in the PKP PLN Plugin’s entry in the list of Generic Plugins. You should see something similar to the screen snaphot below.
When we open the PLN to all journals in February, your issues will start showing up in this list. You will not need to do anything else to make this happen. At most, you will need to re-accept the terms of use, but only if we modify them before then. If we do, you will get a notification to re-accept.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Yep, looks good. Did you try a find on the Generic Plugins page? The list is long and it is sadly not in order. It is easy to miss what you are looking for.
Very odd. After a successful upgrade, you would expect the plugin to be registered in OJS, with an entry appearing in the versions table of the database. What rows do you see with a product of “pln” and a product_type of “plugins.generic”?
What is the version information in your plugins/generic/pln/version.xml?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE version SYSTEM "../../../lib/pkp/dtd/pluginVersion.dtd">
<!-- * plugins/generic/pln/version.xml * * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Simon Fraser University Library * Copyright (c) 2003-2014 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * Plugin version information. -->
You could download the full package, and just copy the PKP plugin from the package to plugins/generic/pln on its own. Run the update.php script afterwards.
Note, however, that if this one file is out-of-date, others may be as well. I would strongly recommend at least comparing your install to the unmodified download of 2.4.8 so that you can be aware of any and all changes.
I did that according to your instructions and the PKP plugin is there now. After I enabled it and agreed with the terms of service, I clicked the status and the page shows that “The PKP PLN is currently in pilot phase and is only accepting deposits from members of the pilot”. Anything wrong? Or I should wait for the OJS to create deposits automatically and move them into the PLN?
So should we think the PKP PLN is currently still in pilot phase? Because our journal issues are not displayed on that page, in adddition, the Network status shows that.
Yes, we’re out of pilot but require that journals be running OJS 2.4.8. As @ctgraham says, once you upgrade to that version, your journal will start making deposits automatically. The network status message is incorrect; I think we can change it on our end between version releases and if so will update it today. I’ll confirm that when I get into the office.