thank you so much, now its work…
Works on ojs 2 or 3?
Hi andrewdion04
I want to know if the change works in ojs 3 thanks
its work on my OJS
Iam sorry, Iam using OJS
Thank you @franms for the plugin!
But, I have some problems with your plugin. In section Article (Download & Abstract) and Issues do not show any data. Can you help me to solve this problems? Thank you
Hola, necesito que este plugin sea compatible con OJS versión 3.0.2, cómo lo adapto a esta versión. Me hace falta su ayuda. Estaré pendiente de su respuesta. Saludos
@franms, I was with the same problem that @blu3r4w had. The sections Article (Download) and Article(Abstract) didn’t show any data.
I noted that I was getting an error when I tried to access these links. The message was:
DB Error: Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column ‘dbd_ojs.aset.setting_value’ which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
Stack Trace:
File: /opt/lampp/htdocs/ojs/plugins/generic/statistics/ line 81
Function: DAO->retrieve(“SELECT aset.setting_value, SUM(m.metric) FROM metrics as m INNER…”, Array(4))
File: /opt/lampp/htdocs/ojs/plugins/generic/statistics/ line 198
Function: StatisticsChartsDAO->getMetricsMostPopularByType(“2”, “257”, “2018”, “pt_BR”)
Then, I just added the field “aset.setting_value” to the beginning group by clause, and it is working now. I’m not very used to the group by clause, but I think it is right, isn’t it? If it is, may I send you a pull request? (I’ve never sent one yet )
Hi All, I know it’s been a while since this post. But could you please help me with the process of populating the geolocalization fields country_id, region and city in metrics table. I following this steps:
- Confirm that usageStatsPlugin is enabled and metrics has some information
- Copy GeoLiteCity.dat to plugins\generic\usageStats\
- Move log files from archive to stage
- Reprocess log files: php tools/runScheduledTasks.php plugins/generic/usageStats/scheduledTasks.xml
But I still get NULLS in country_id, region and city
Hola @kawahyu , yo uso y me da el mismo problema. ¿Lo pudiste solucionar?
Saludos cordiales
Did you solve this problem? To me the same thing happens to me
Good afternoon,
I installed the plugin
Download from github: GitHub - franmanez/statistics: Plugin statistics charts for OJS (2.4.3 to 2.4.8-1)
However, the names were not correct.
Can you help me.
Esto es un error de traducción…