Thank you @franms for sharing this plugin.
It is nice looking and useful. However, some fields in our journal’s report are blank; including “Articles(Download)” , “Articles(view)” , “Issues” and “Countries” . Please check the attached photo.
am I missing something?
what should I do for these items to be displayed?
We are on OJS 2.4.6
I am interested on your plugin. But I am a brazilian portuguese speaker, if I translate it to my language may I upload it to GitHub project? Just to sync always with last version and updates.
The "Monthly " and “Last years” … It’s working fine?
It’s strange because the plugin reads the table ‘METRICS’.
Can you check this table (METRICS)? For example, the ‘assoc_type’ field can have different values:
256 - view Home page
257 - view abstract (article)
259 - view table contents of journal
260 - download (article)
That I see the graph of countries is working fine (11 type ‘other’ ). Can you check that the geolocation statistics is working fine in your OJS? Check also the geolocation fields (country_id, region, city). Are they Informed?
The problem might be in the geolocation…
Can you check that the geolocation statistics is working fine in your OJS? Check the geolocation fields (country_id, region, city) in the ‘METRICS’ table. Are they Informed?
How you can view, appears 117 ‘abstract view’ with type ‘Others’.
If the problem persists, can you contact me via mail (view my github).
Como puedo visualizar el plugin Statistic Charts?
Hola, he instalado exitosamente el plugin Statistic Charts pero no sé cómo visualizarlo.
As I can visualize the Statistic Charts plugin?
Hello, I have successfully installed the plugin Charts Statistic but do not know how to display it.
Thank you
When you activate the plugin from “Home > User > Journal Management > Plugin Management > Generic Plugins” , the menu item will be shown on top (STATISTICS)
If the problem persists, can you contact me via mail (view my github), and send me the OJS URL.
tengo OJS en postgresql y para que funcione tuve que hacer los siguientes cambios, gracias framms
En cambie lo siguiente:
En la linea 'AND aset.setting_name = “title” '. cambie por 'AND aset.setting_name = ‘title’ '.
En la linea 'AND iset.setting_name = “title” '. cambie por 'AND iset.setting_name = ‘title’ '.
En la linea 'GROUP BY m.assoc_id, agregue aset.setting_value
En la linea 'GROUP BY m.issue_id, agregue i.volume,i.number,i.year,iset.setting_value
OJS in postgresql have to work and I had to make the following changes, thanks framms
In change the following:
In the line ‘AND aset.setting_name = “title”’. changed to 'AND aset.setting_name = ‘title’ '.
In the line ‘AND iset.setting_name = “title”’. changed to 'AND iset.setting_name = ‘title’ '.
On line 'GROUP BY m.assoc_id, add aset.setting_value
On line 'GROUP BY m.issue_id, add i.volume, i.number, i.year, iset.setting_value