Would you like to share how you implement it?
Have you updated the core files for OJS 3.1? WIthout which it will not work
Thanks @varshilmehta
Not, which codes to be updated?
I dont know. I havent seen this plugin and I might not even use it. Its not required.
Did you tar the folder? Or just use zip?
Use to tar.gz the folder:
tar -pczf statistics.tar.gz statistics/
Check your error.log, to see the last error in OJS 2.4
If you just unzip the plugin in β¦/plugins/generic/ it shows you an Error 404. It work fine when I install it via Dashboard.
- Download the code from github (release 1.0). You get a statistics-1.0.zip file
- Uncompress the .zip file. You get the directory statistics-1.0/
- Rename the directory statistics-1.0/ to statistics/
- Compress statistics/directory to .tar.gz (the OJS plugins must be compressed as a .tar.gz files)
tar -pczf statistics.tar.gz statistics/
- Install the plugin via OJS: Go to Home > User > Journal Management > Plugin Management > Install A New Plugin and upload the plugin file ( statistics.tar.gz)
Untar the file and check the class name of the plugin, im sure the class is StatisticsPlugin, change the name of the folder contain it from statistics/ to Statistics (I know itβs a silly action but worked for me).
Not work for me. I used 7zip to convert it
would you mind sharing your journal url to see the result of the plugin?
We use a Linux server to deploy OJS 2.4, and use the command line to compress it.
Statistics folder content:
I think it is not mandatory to upload via dashboard.
I hope one can just copy and paste. But, one should run update to create corresponding tables in the database. I did the same and my site is fine.
The only problem is:
The theme I am using (JatsParser) may not support this statistics. If anyone can share what code is required to display this in the article detail page, I may try it.
I think, they are talking about OJS2β¦
Greetings @Vitaliy,
Yup, they are talking about 2.x
But, It looks good and colorful. Divided by country etc.
I have installed and everything looks fine except it is not visible in my article detail page. When I disable usage statistics, our barchart disappears. So, I think, there should be some code to get this statistics displayed which our theme (JatsManuscript) is missing.
If someone point out what code should be used, we can give it a try.
By the way, this site looks like OJS 3.xx:
Hi @didik,
We are also trying to install this plugin for OJS 3.xx but I think our theme does not support it.
Can you please let us know what code should be used in article_detail page to display this code?
it is OJS and not 3.XX. About this Publishing System
This is highcharts and not statistics.
Sorry, my mistake.
Yes. You are correct. It is OJS
All plugins from older than 3.0 OJS version need additional code adaptation.
Is there a link to it on the Github?
If you mean the plugin, here it is GitHub - franmanez/statistics: Plugin statistics charts for OJS (2.4.3 to 2.4.8-1)