I’ve question regarding Crossref export plugin submitting the DOI.
Does it supports the multi language? In web deposit form: http://www.crossref.org/webDeposit/
there are two lines:
and Original Language Title
I was told by colleague who checked the submitted xml files on crossref’s web site, that submitted xml files contain only the title tag and doesn’t contain the original language tag.
Titles of our journals are published in two languages.
Thank you!
The CrossRef export plugin exports article titles here:
This uses the article’s primary locale to generate the title node and does not generate an original_language_title node. The original_language_title element appears to be intended for translated content that may have been originally published in another language, and the CrossRef schema doesn’t appear to allow the specification of what language that might’ve been. I think the current implementation is the least ambiguous approach; could you describe how you think OJS could improve on this? What does your content look like?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thank you for you answer!
In my humble opinion, if the Crossref’s web deposit form has that kind of input the OJS plugin also should be able to submit the original language as translated one. But it could be made as selectable option
There are different cases for different journals. The main examples are:
1). The journal is published only in one language.
2). The article is published in EN but the abstract and title has been translated to another language.
3). And vice versa - the articles are published in non English language and abstract and title in English
The journal_article element is the container for each article. It has an attribute that can be used to specify the article language – for example, language="en". Only one language can be specified. Within the title element, no language can be specified; I’d assume this means the journal_article's language is implied.
For the original_language_title element, a language attribute can be specified – but this is only suggested for use when the work is a translation, which I don’t think is the case in your examples.
Hi @asmecher!
So you think that it doesn’t cover our cases? And we don’t need to use this field?
Am I clear that this field - original_language_title should be used only when the article is fully translated to other language?
We are just translating the abstract and title of article’s. The main text remains untranslated.
Thank you!
The CrossRef docs state that the element is intended for “if the registration is for a translation of a work”. That doesn’t seem to apply – the registration (the article entry) is for the work itself, not a translation of it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I think OJS CrossRef plugin should identify first the article language with the language atribute in the journal_article element. And then take the title and abstract filled in that language for generating the XML.
Some of our journals have spanish language as primary locale but some articles are written and published in english. The current implementation uses the primary locale for getting the information to be exported to CrossRef, then those articles are being registered in the wrong language (not the original). Even, sometimes the abstract is not exported because the journal editor didn´t complete it in the platform primary locale but in the article language.
Other improvement can be the option to export a second translated title as a subtitle tag. So the XML generated by the system will be like this:
<title>Aluminum-silicon coatings on...</title>
<subtitle>Recubrimientos de aluminio-silicio sobre...</subtitle>
The last change, which we are implementing, is replacing <other_pages> by <last_page> in XML export.
Line 363:
XMLCustomWriter::createChildWithText($doc, $pageNode, ‘other_pages’, $otherPages);
Could be:
XMLCustomWriter::createChildWithText($doc, $pageNode, ‘last_page’, $otherPages);
There are two “primary locale” settings at play – the one for the journal, which it sounds like you’re using Spanish; and the one for the article itself, which it sounds like some authors are choosing English for and others are using Spanish.
The CrossRef plugin should be using the article’s primary locale as the language for deposit. If the English is getting deposited, it’s because the journal permits the author to select the article’s language, and the author has chosen English on the first step of the submission process.
Can you confirm that this sounds like what’s happening in your situation?
For what it’s worth, you can control whether or not authors can choose languages, and which ones they’re allowed to use, on the journal’s Languages setup area.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Now I understand each article has a determined “primary locale” language. So, it can be a solution for the problem when exporting data. But then, how could an editor change the “primary locale” of an article if it is wrong?
This explain why I couldn´t edit an article´s metadata some days ago. The system didn´t let me leave blank the title when completing the metadata form in portuguese language.
But I still thinking how could be exported the second language title as a subtitle. This is something that CrossRef support team told me could be done.
I don’t see any way to provide multilingual data to CrossRef without shoehorning it into a field it doesn’t really belong in (e.g. a subtitle)… Did you get any specifics from CrossRef on how they’d like to see this data provided?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The idea of registering the secondary title as a subtitle was born for making the articles recoverable when someone search for them using the translated title in the metadata search page of CrossRef at http://search.crossref.org/.
My second question is about changing the article’s language. One author sent her manuscript in portuguese but at the end the article was translated and published finally only in spanish. How could we change its primary locale?
Another alternative (if you’re not a programmer or don’t have access to the database) is to use the QuickSubmit plugin to create a new article, copy over all the metadata, and finally remove the original article.