I am using OJS 3.2.1-1
We have tried to share a document with the author
We clicked the option Request revisions
But I got the error
![Screenshot 2020-10-22 at 12.29.01|690x148]
I have changed the SMTP settings at config.inc.php
but it is not working.
Please, may you help me?
Thanks in advance
For us it was a problem with the size of the documents that were attaching to the email. We just use sendmail not SMTP so it was an adjustment in the configuration of sendmail itself.
; Allow envelope sender to be specified
; (may not be possible with some server configurations)
; allow_envelope_sender = Off
; Default envelope sender to use if none is specified elsewhere
; default_envelope_sender = my_address@my_host.com
; Force the default envelope sender (if present)
; This is useful if setting up a site-wide no-reply address
; The reply-to field will be set with the reply-to or from address.
; force_default_envelope_sender = Off
; Force a DMARC compliant from header (RFC5322.From)
; If any of your users have email addresses in domains not under your control
; you may need to set this to be compliant with DMARC policies published by
; those 3rd party domains.
; Setting this will move the users address into the reply-to field and the
; from field wil be rewritten with the default_envelope_sender.
; To use this you must set force_default_enveloper_sender = On and
; default_envelope_sender must be set to a valid address in a domain you own.
; force_dmarc_compliant_from = Off
; The display name to use with a DMARC compliant from header
; By default the DMARC compliant from will have an empty name but this can
; be changed by adding a text here.
; You can use â%nâ to insert the users name from the original from header
; and â%sâ to insert the localized sitename.
; dmarc_compliant_from_displayname = â%n via %sâ
; Amount of time required between attempts to send non-editorial emails
; in seconds. This can be used to help prevent email relaying via OJS.
time_between_emails = 3600
; Maximum number of recipients that can be included in a single email
; (either as To:, Cc:, or Bcc: addresses) for a non-privileged user
max_recipients = 10
; If enabled, email addresses must be validated before login is possible.
require_validation = Off
; Maximum number of days before an unvalidated account expires and is deleted
validation_timeout = 14
That shouldnât be a problem. The file I was dealing with was 25MB. If I remember correctly the limit we had was 10MB so we just increased that limit. I do suspect your problem is a spam filter problem.
You may want to try turning on your envelop sender
allow_envelope_sender = On
default_envelope_sender = my_address@my_host.com
force_default_envelope_sender = On
Make sure the domain in your default_envelope_sender matches the domain of your OJS installation. If it doesnât match this increases the spam rating. So in other words the SPF value in your email headers may say âfailedâ.
Sorry that envelope sender wouldnât solve that problem. I was thinking more in terms of solving a spam issue. Do your php error logs say anything what about send mail (email) logs? Is it possible that one of the users/authors email addresses isnât properly formed?
Is that the only file being attached? Could there be other ones that are larger?
I once remember running into a problem where a user had a rather odd email address and it failed. We had it changed and it worked.
Some of our editors have encountered this as well, specifically with the Request Revisions option since upgrading from OJS to The relevant PHP error appears to be: You must provide at least one recipient email address.
As far as I can tell, all other emails are being sent out fine.