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Hi sir @ckiyan, what about the obstacles you faced before? Have you succeeded in completing it?? because I am going through the same thing that you have experienced, please guide me

Hi sir @asmecher, because I experienced the same thing as @ckiyan what can I do, because I’ve tried several times to fix it still can’t, please guidance

Hi @RaKa

This is an older post. If you haven’t done so already, please post a new post to the forum outlining the issue you are encountering and are wishing to discuss, and referring back to this post.

PKP Team

I can see that some users have seen the "“You must provide at least one recipient email address” message appear with some submissions when doing a editorial decision in the review stage.

I know this is an old issue, but just wanted to post a very likely cause for this and the solution in case someone searches the forum with the error message.

In our case this happened because all of the contributors in the submission had include_in_browslists setting disabled. See the list of contributors under the publication tab and make sure that at least one contributor has this enabled.

The system will not be able to send editorial decision emails if none of the contributors has this selected. See here where the authors are fetched with getAuthors having true flag.

That true flag means that only users included in the browse lists are fetched: