I have some multilingual journals and Google and Google Schoolar index them only in primary language. An example:
If you go to “http://vestnik.szd.si/index.php/ZdravVest/article/view/2463” you can select in which language, Slovene or English, you can read the article.
If you go to Google and search for Slovenian title “Vpliv odprtega dostopa do znanstvenih objav v medicini: pregled tekoče literature” there is a search result pointing to the URL above.
If you go to Google and search for English title “The impact of open access on the medical literature: a review of current literature” there is search result only for the PDF but not to the URL above.
My question is how can we make it possible that Google finds the article searching with Slovene or English title?
As far as I’m aware, Google Scholar doesn’t support indexing of an article in multiple languages. (See Google Scholar Help for a description of their meta tags.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for very valuable answer. I have checked the Google Scholar link you have written and found interesting issue…
I have looked at the metadata of the mentioned article (http://vestnik.szd.si/index.php/ZdravVest/article/view/2463). The metadata is very good, all tags are in both languages (English and Slovenian), except the citation_title. I would say that might be a problem. Do you have any idea if that is on purpose? Or would it make problem if also the title is in both languages (the same way as other tags, using xml:lang)?
Thank you for getting in contact with Google Scholar and providing me with the answer. Unfortunately I believe there is nothing we can do about the Scholar indexing
The other question is the metadata attribute citation_title. As I mentioned above that is the only attribute that is in one language only. All the others are in all languages, using the xml:lang. Do you have any idea what is the reason for that and what would happen to change this and have the citation_title also in all languages?
The citation_title metadata field is Google Scholar-specific, and doesn’t support xml:lang. I’m not sure what would happen if we were to add it, but it wouldn’t properly support multiple languages with Google Scholar until they changed the implementation on their end.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team