Option to have article abstracts and titles in multiple languages

That’s a good point, just making a mental note that the default language attribute is normally indicated in the top-most html tag, so that it’s inherited by all elements, unless otherwise specified:

<html lang="en-US">
  <p>My abstract in English.</p>
  <div lang="es-ES">
    <p>Mi resumen en español.</p>

Another issue is metadata, I noticed that Luca managed to include both primary and secondary languages:

<meta name="DC.Language" scheme="ISO639-1" content="it"/>
<meta name="DC.Title" content=" Intervista con Catherine D’Ignazio: Data Feminism nella storia urbana e nel patrimonio"/>
<meta name="DC.Title.Alternative" xml:lang="en" content=" Interview with Catherine D’Ignazio:  Data Feminism for Cultural Heritage and Urban History"/>

My understanding is that, although Google Scholar specificially doesn’t support multilingual metadata in their own citation tags (see here), the more general Google Search would take in multilingual Dublin Core tags.


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