How to eliminate error code likes ##common.commcommon.homepageNavigationLabel#
Hi @kisman,
Which of our applications are you using, and what version? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Xampp v3.2.2 and ojs 3.0.2
Iam using Bahasa indonesia
Hi @kisman,
I suspect that locale is not complete, which is why you’re seeing
. If you’re interested in helping improve the translation, perhaps @mtub can connect you with the other translators.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
do you suggest me to install it using the English language?
Dear @asmecher,
I have got the same problem for Serbian language. The version is OJS and in navigation menu I have got [##navigation.archives##], then [##common.homepageNavigationLabel##], [##navigation.archives##], ##navigation.breadcrumbSeparator##, ##navigation.breadcrumbSeparator## and much more.
How to solve that?
Hi @Lazar_Stosic,
The Serbian translation was not complete in OJS 3.0.2. You’ll need to go through the Navigation Menus area of setup and translate the keys yourself.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher,
Thank you for answer. Could you precise me where can find the file which I have to translate manually?
Hi @Lazar_Stosic,
The translation has already been updated since 3.0.2 was released, so there’s no need to work with the files – just to use the Journal Manager’s interface to edit the Navigation Menu settings.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I know for latest OJS but in OJS 3.0.2 I don`t have Navigation menu settings.
What I received is>
How to translate that?
Hi @Lazar_Stosic,
Ah, of course, that feature wasn’t included as of OJS 3.0.2. The best solution would be to upgrade, which will get you both the custom navigation menu feature and the complete translation, but if that’s not possible, you can search the English-language language files for each locale key…
$ fgrep -l common.homepageNavigationLabel `find . -name \*.xml | grep en_US`
…and then edit the equivalent file in your translation. These may not all be in the same file.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, I have the same problem. lots of menu translation are missing (especially backend)
new installation OJS
default language English
additional Croatian
I download the latest translation:
I check/search menu Archives is translated to Croatian but still, it is not shown. when I upload new po files I also clear data and template cash from site administration both nothing help.
Please can someone advice me what else I can do?
Best regards,
Hi @Ivan_Ma,
I see you’ve also posted this question at Missing menu translations. Please only post each issue once – I’ll close this topic in favour of your other post.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team