Pl suggest as to how can I show the DOI on the Table of Content below Authors’ name in the same manner as shown on the following URL: What I need to do in terms of coding or whatever in order to get the same schema for my table of contents?
but it is really just calling (down on line 77) the following:
Note that this template is iterating through the articles as objects. Woot!
This means you have access to the article’s methods, including getPubId().
$article->getPubId('doi') will return the published DOI, if available.
For double bonus points, the presence of the hook Templates::Issue::Issue::Article means you could write a plugin to perform the actual work, without modifying the core code.
As suggested by you, I got someone having PHP experience, he is asking for some model code so as to fix the issue. Should I make him directly mail you (your email ID will be needed) or you will guide him via this forum. If via this forum, Pl guide. My developer will be following your posts in the thread.
Would you consider creating an independent github repository for this plugin? We’re managing a lot of our own plugins that way and it makes finding and discussing the latest version a lot easier.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello abadan. I am so interesting with this plugin. I have downloaded the plugin from the link above, and i have saved in my computer. the problem comes when i try to install it to the ojs. The error mesage said “Errors occurred processing this form:
Plugin was not successfully copied. This may be a permissions problem. Please make sure that the web server is able to write to the plugins directory (including subdirectories) but don’t forget to secure it again later”. Would you like to help me to solve this problem?
Thankyou very much.
Tarmizi Taher
It is needed for the plugin package to be extracted and the files copied at the correct destination
Every plugin has a specific type or classification. The plugins are segmented by type under the plugins folder. For example, the Quick Submit plugin is an “importexport” plugin, so it needs to live in in the plugins/importexport folder.