Do you know Elsevier has bought this and are charging 10k usd for 1 year as subscription? If you have bought this, then its fine if not better to stay away!
I asked for the pricing of another altmetrics service and there is no way an ordinary journal can pay the prices they are charging. They did not even have a price bracket for multijournal services like ours, meaning that each individual journal should had paid the same amount per year. Hopefully PKP will release this soon:
Somehow I have missed the release of the API, thanks @varshilmehta! Is there a Paperbuzz plugin already for OJS?
@Josbell I am not 100% sure if it was Altmetrics, but the price you mention does sound familiar. Altmetrics is definitely something that needs more competition to bring the pricing down. Of course if Elsevier is just buying everything, it is just wishful thinking.
Acknowledging the concerns with Elsevier’s ownership and with pricing, to answer the original question, you can use the PlumX Artifact Widget plugin for OJS 2.4.x, if you are a subscriber of Plum Analytics.
The PlumX Metrics widget is FREE for any journal to use. A cost is only IF a publisher wishes to have a PlumX Dashboard to view and report on all of the metrics for a journal(s). For best results using the widget, you should make sure your journal DOIs are registered with CrossRef. If your journal has no DOIs and only URLs, and you wish to use the widget, please contact
Hi, @faulkners. Previously I understood that Plum was only tracking metrics artifacts which were held by its subscribers. (That is, the customer would supply a set of DOIs, etc. of interest, and Plum would harvest metrics.) Can you confirm that now Plum is tracking traditional and altmetrics for any known scholarly artifacts, regardless of an existing customer relationship?
Hello Clinton. We track metrics on over 70 million artifacts, well beyond our subscribers. We have many sources including CrossRef, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, SSRN, EBSCOhost and more. If your articles are not indexed in any of those sources, we will gladly ingest metadata and identifers via OAI-PMH (for free!).
Hola, @sara0727. Si tú no ves las métricas, pero tú ves el cuadrado con el mensaje que no hay unas métricas, entonces Plum Analytics no tienes unas métricas para el DOI del articulo.
Si tú no ves algun cuadrado para las métricas en la pagina, ¿tú usas la opción “Hide When Empty”?
A ver las métricas, el articulo necesita tener un DOI, y Plum Analytics necesita tener una métricas para el DOI.
Yo encontré un problema dónde la URL de la “javascript CDN” no estaba correcto en la versión de la plugin. He hecho una versión nueva: Esta versión deberia reparar algunos problemas cuándo las métricas no se muestran.
I found a problem where the URL for the javascript CDN was not correct in version for the plugin. I have made a new version,; this version should fix some problems when metrics don’t display.