But recently, a user is getting this message after login (she using the right username and password)
If I (the administrator) login as her, I can see everything fine and we have also tried this with a different browser a different computer with a different OS and so on on her end (she even tried a logging in from a different network (using Lynx inside an ssh shell). Nothing works, she keeps getting the same error message.
Is it possible that there’s something with the instalation?
You should explain a bit more what exactly you (user) are doing - which steps and where errors happen.
But looking in your URL of the OJS: it looks like you have an empty OJS, no content, just base installation. I would suggest to reinstall the latest version. It is always better to use the latest, if you can.
Click on “Copyediting” (current status of the submission). I get an “Access denied” pop-up.
I click “OK” on that, and get the following:
“You do not currently have sufficient privileges to view the submission. Please edit your profile to ensure that you have been granted the appropriate roles under “Register As”.”
I click "OK on that, and get an “undefined” pop-up.
I then click on my user name in the corner to view my profile. The site logs me out (even though I clicked on “keep me logged in”). I log back in.
I click on the “Roles” tab and get ##user.authentication.userRequired##. Actually, this pops up on every tab–it won’t let me view any tabs that I click on. (Interestingly, the tab displayed by default, Identity, is visible, but it disappears if I try to view another tab and then try to click on Identity).
Additional information: I am on Linux Mint, everything up to date, and have verified that this happens in Firefox and in Chrome (the latter is my unmodified browser). I also got this error on an iPad with Safari.
It might be relevant that I am on a slow-ish/high latency satellite connection? FWIW, I was able to set up an account and submit a paper from a different location in the US back in February, and everything seemed to work back then.
I can’t log in from a different location where I am. But let me know what else you need–I can give you more information from the console output.
ETA: actually, when I looked at the site in lynx, I never got to a point where I got any error messages–the relevant portion of the site doesn’t render in a text browser. So I cannot verify whether it’s my location that’s causing the problem. (But in any case, if it is the location, there’s a bug somewhere.)
I got the same error #user.authentication.userRequired## by changing the configuration parameter to Off as below works!
; This check will invalidate a session if the user’s IP address changes.
; Enabling this option provides some amount of additional security, but may
; cause problems for users behind a proxy farm (e.g., AOL).
session_check_ip = Off