I have upgraded from 2.4.8 to 3.0. I am not able to see all the users registered with the journal.
Especially the ones whom I assigned as editorial board members in
previous installation of OJS 2.4.8. These users are missing from the displayed list. So, I did a search based on their name and I could get their names. I have assigned them as editors. But, how do I automatically display them as a list under editorial team link?
In the journal masthead, I could not find any option to select and display all the editorial team members automatically. Please see the screenshot below.
In OJS 3.0, we removed the option of automatically creating the masthead from the user database. Overall it proved inflexible and the masthead changes rarely enough that the automation didn’t seem warranted. Use cases and feedback welcome if you don’t think this was the right decision, of course!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Is there a step in the upgrade process from 2.4.x to 3.0.x to migrate the autopopulation of the editorial staff to a static list (if that option had been selected in 2.4.x)?
At the University of Bordeaux, we are preparing migration of the journals we host on OJS2 to OJS3.
We are comparing some of the features.
In the Masthead section in OJS2,
some of our journals use option 1: OJS lists people in Editorial Team under assigned roles
and others use option 2: The Journal Manager creates titles and adds people under each title.
In the Masthead section in OJS3, I understood there is no more options and we have to enter all manually in the Masthead field.
We think it would be interesting to keep both options or at least to keep option 2 as it was. We can indeed add people by looking for them in the DB of users of the journal. And it displays informations about them such as: Affiliation, Country and it also automatically generates a link to their “editorialTeamBio” that no longer exists.
We think that we lose some interesting displays and we increase the work of editorial secretary who will have to maintain this section up to date.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Best regards.
Our motivation in removing those sections was to simplify the Setup areas (which were getting horrendously long) and simultaneously provide greater flexibility in presentation. This does potentially mean a little bit more caretaking in Setup when the roles change, but so far this seems to be a fair trade-off.
For migrating your existing journals, we may further automate the move of content from the OJS 2.x style into the OJS 3.x style – but until then one option would be to copy/paste the list from your old journal into the setting form in the new OJS 3.x installation.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for your answer for this message and for the other one about the “About the journal” settings here
I will inform editorial secretaries of our journals they will have to handle manually some settings of OJS3 such as Masthead. But I think they will be disappointed to lose the link to “editorialTeamBio”. Is this feature could be migrate in OJS3 ?
When do you think you will be able to provide a way to automate from the OJS 2.x style into the OJS 3.x style ?
Would you be able to provide in the same time a mapping of settings menus and parameters between OJS 2.x and OJS 3.x ?
Thanks again for your answer and all your work.
Best regards.