My university is in the progress of upgrading from OJS 2.4.8 to OJS 3.1.2 and I am the person in charge of the “About” section of all of our journals. My question is in regards to what was formerly called the “Editorial Team” page under OJS 2.4.8 and now apparently is called “Journal Summary” in OJS 3.1.2. As I understand it, the option to automatically generate this section of the website based on the users enrolled in the journal and their roles is no longer an option. I can live with that, and I can simply copy and paste the text over from the 2.4.8 page, but if I do that then I will lose the bio information that we have filled in for each editor.
In this thread from 2017, I saw that the editorial bio pop up window from 2.4.8 is not planned to be implemented in OJS 3.x. I still want to include that bio information, and one option that comes to mind is a collapsible text field, like a spoiler tag. Basically it would be a button that says “Bio” and if a user clicks on it, it expand into a text area with the bio text that we currently have on our 2.4.8 page. The problem is, I cannot find how to implement that sort of spoiler-type button in the text editor within OJS 3.1.2. Is there some way to do this?
As a follow up question, I see that the upgrade process imported some text from the 2.4.8 journal page, and it includes formatting that I cannot find the buttons to do from scratch in the 3.1.2 text editor. For example, “Archives” from the journal’s main page shows up in a different color, but I don’t see any options to modify the color in the editor within the 3.1.2 dashboard. Is there a list somewhere of the different types of formatting that can be done and the code I need to type in the text box to make it happen?
I like the idea of hiding editor bios underneath a spoiler tag, so I tried implementing it by editing the HTML in the editorial board text box. But the code gets purged by the system when you save it, so I don’t think it’s possible to do it with just the text editing options within OJS.
Editorial Team page is still present in OJS 3.1.2 under: Settings → Journal → Editorial Team. It has TinyMCE field for the reach content.
Each user has a bio section. It can be displayed alongside with author’s information on the article landing page. Some themes have pop-up modal for the bio.
Thank you for the reply, but I got a little lost trying to follow your suggestion. I copy and pasted the Editorial Team list from my 2.4.8 page into my 3.1.2 page in the Settings → Journal → Editorial Team text box, just as you mentioned. The part that I don’t see how to do is add the bio section for each of them. I haven’t tried any other themes yet, so maybe that is my problem, maybe it is something that the default theme doesn’t include but other themes do.
I have seen the area in an article submission to add contributors and give each one a bio, and that part works great. I have not found how to add a bio to the Editorial Team section, though. What am I missing?
There isn’t any inherit way to do so. Bio section is not supported for the Editorial team page. But you can add arbitrary HTML to that page with any content.
you mean that the modal applied for author name e.g. in the immersion theme can’t be used in Editorial team? We are asked for that (show the bio for editorial team members in same way as authors, the journal uses the immersion theme), there’s a way to achieve it?
Many thanks,
Editorial team page contains arbitrary HTML, which can be entered through TinyMCE form. It doesn’t contain users’ info. Parts of code from Immersion can be used by someone who wants to override the default behavior from a child theme.