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I tried to update ojs to the latest version. the upgrade finished it self without any warning or message as shown in the figure below and the website shows HTTP ERROR 500and the error log file shows nothing as well.
What application are you using?
For example, OJS 3.4.0-1 with PHP 8.0
Kind regards
Hi @asmecher.
I figured out that the problem caused due to some errors in plugin_setting table in the database as mentioned in this post Custom Block Manager Plugin Errors. I tried to empty the table and restore a fresh copy of the database and files and upgrade it again. During upgrade it stops when arrives to the DOI migration. All this happen because some plugins are not compatible with OJS 3.4.0-1. Is there any way to overcome this issue? I tried to look through the posts in the forum but I didn’t any thing.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
anyone went through the same error and get the time to solve it?
Hi @Salam_Al-Khammasi,
If you look through your PHP error log at the time you encounter the upgrade failure, you should see something more detailed. Can you check there and post what you find here?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher
I got nothing in the PHP error file. After several attempts of upgrading, I figured out that this failure caused by pulgin_setting table in the DB. I’ve tried to overcome this issue by dropping this table after I restored a fresh backup and did the upgrade again. the upgrade passed the MeregeLocalesMigration stage and stopped at the DOI migration stage. I restored a fresh copy of the DB and the files again and instead of dropping the plugin_setting table I tried to empty it then I did another upgrade again the results of the upgrade were the same error in the post above. Please have a look at this post Custom Block Manager Plugin Errors . It clarifies what is happening in the Plugin_setting table and excuse my bad english.
Thank you again for your help
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