That message comes from the _getServiceDocument function in plugins/generic/dataverse/classes/form/ – I’d suggest tracking through that function and potentially adding error_log debug statements in order to figure out what the service is returning that OJS is not expecting.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
To try isolating your problem without having to dig into OJS, can you try connecting to the Harvard Dataverse instead? It’s possible that redirects are somehow working in a strange way with your own Dataverse site, preventing you from reading the service document when making the initial connection.
OK – it’s helpful to know that it’s definitely on the OJS side. If you want to send me credentials for connecting to your Dataverse I’ll see if I can duplicate with a fresh install of OJS 2.4.8.
FYI – I just verified I’m able to connect to the Dataverse dev sandbox at with a fresh OJS install, so I can say for sure that we haven’t accidentally broken this plugin upstream as it seems to work fine in a stock configuration
As Alec said, at that point you’re probably stuck a) trying to isolate whatever might be strange in your server environment (you could try it on a fresh VM elsewhere as I’ve just done) or b) adding debug lines to OJS.
Have you tried connecting with an API token rather than a username? You can register one from the admin panel of that Dataverse site (or any Dataverse 4.x site).
It may not be supported in the version of Dataverse you’re running (I don’t think it’s available in 3.x), and for whatever reason, username + password authentication doesn’t appear to be working for you. I admittedly haven’t tested that in a while so it’s possible that may not work as reliably as it should upstream (in either Dataverse or OJS). I’m afraid you might be on your own for investigating issues in username + password auth, though.
In the meantime, I’m glad you’ve got this working in at least this limited capacity!