There are no readable files in this directory tree. Are safe mode or open_basedir active?

Hi Team,

I just move the files and dataase one domain to another domain when i run the website showing the following Error Message how can i resolved.

I am also trying change base_url at config file but no improvement same error message showing.

Please help this,

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I’ve already replied here: Create TOC page - #10 by Vitaliy

Now its showing but not list submmision details
i have to changed the file_dir but submission list not showing why Please help this

Hi @muhammed

Please do not double post and choose one thread for discussion of your problem.

Just for clarification, are you using OJS 3.0 that was released 2 years ago or a newer one?

i have used in my testing environment its working fine but i have to moved the sources files but its not showing any submission please look at the attached screen shot.

Did you try to clear browser’s cache for that page? ctrl+shift+r for Google Chrome

Yes , cleared all the submission working fine frontend but in admin panel side not showing
Please help this.

So, you cleared the cache for dashboard’s submissions page?

Can you look at the PHP logs for errors, like PHP error or PHP Fatal error (not the warnings or notices)? Also, browser’s console errors could also be helpful → ctrl + shift + i, console

Yes , i have trying as per your command but i don’t know why all the submission not displaying also try my local server. Please help this.

I need some more information about your error.

You said that you tried on your local machine, can you find PHP error logs there? If you are suing XAMPP: apache - Where does PHP's error log reside in XAMPP? - Stack Overflow

You need change files_dir in config file

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ojs-3.1.2-4 error

There are no readable files in this directory tree. Are safe mode or open_basedir active?

This error is not solved
What is the solution

Hi @Pradip_Dhakal,

Are there any relevant errors in PHP logs? Is the path to files folder correct? Is the permission to files folder set accordingly?

For future references, solution posted here: