Hi guys.
I’m working for the FGV Digital Library at the Fundação Getulio Vargas, in Brazil. We are considering migrating our articles hosted at OJS 2.4.8 to our Dspace 5.5.
Would you recommend SWORD or there is a better way? And anyone know how I could do some tests?
I’ll be glad if anyone could help me.
There is a thread you can see here about this question:
And as you noticed, SWORD plugin hasn’t yet been scheduled/prioritized, but the more interest in it we see, the higher a priority it will become.
But one thing to consider is difference between OJS and DSPACE, former is a editorial workflow publishing plataform and latter one a digital repository. SWORD plugin works integrating automatized deposit from OJS assets into DSPACE avoiding duplicated work.
I’ve read about plugins to DSPACE work with peer-review for example, but OJS is designed to be a publishing plataform and has this and other built-in funcionalities required to a Scientific Journal.
And finally, but also important, when you migrate from OJS to DSPACE you have keep in mind that your article URL probaly will change, and if you already have DOIs you will need adjust it. Indexed URLs in google scholar will need be re-indexed as well.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Israel,
I read this topic, but we’re not in OJS 3.X, the update probably will wait until we solve this issue.
We’re wishing this migration to have all the articles wrote by our academics at Dspace too.
I’ve made some researchs and I’m trying to configure the EasyDeposit to do some tests with the domains of Dspace and OJS. I don’t know if is the easiest way, but at the moment i only found this.