Suggesting reviewers Plugin

Hey guys;

Despite the rapid development of the open journal system, so far the suggesting reviewer plugin has not been processed. This plugin will move the system to a high level and will facilitate the review process for the submissions. This plugin must have the following characteristics:

  1. Allow the authors to write the name, email, institution, and country of the suggested referee.
  2. The reason for selecting the referee.
    3.If the suggested referee registered before, it will notify the editor and if not will allow to the editor to register as author/referee for him.

I wish this plugin be available soon.


Hi @Abd_El-Nasser_Gharee,
You are right. It is the necessity of the time.

However, until this plugin is developed, we have used the following trick to ask author to suggest up to three reviewers during submission. Though not covering all issues you raised, it is better to have something than nothing:
Please see the third and fifth post of this thread:

best regards,

Hi @Abd_El-Nasser_Gharee,

We have developed an open-source plugin that specifically addresses this functionality. The post is here: Suggested reviewers plugin for OJS3

Is this of any use to you?
Best regards,

(PM, Ubiquity Press)

Hi @UP_PFord

I tested the plugin in my system and it made my website not working. I think it have a problem. Moreover, this plugin just add text box for writing the suggested reviewers and another for the excluded. It must has the ability to register for the suggested reviewers automatically and if already registered, it will show that. This plugin can be unuseful by asking the author to write the suggested referees in the text box “Comments to Editor”.


Hi @Abd_El-Nasser_Gharee, thanks for your feedback. What version of the plugin have you installed?
What OJS version are you using?

The latest version is 0.6.2

Hi @FrancescoDeVirgilio

I just downliaded the plugin from the link above ( from gitlab) and used it. my ojs version is