Subscription not working - No payment link being displayed

  • Application Version OJS 3.2.0-1

My Subscription page looks as follows:

Then when I click on Purchase a New Subscription, this follows:

When I click on Save, it takes me back to the Homepage with no error. The Paypal link or Manual Payment link is not displayed anywhere. Moreover, when I submit an article, I have set a 20 Euro Reader’s fees but anyone is able to access it without paying because it does not ask for payment only; I have turned on the PayPal and manual payment option in the settings. Please help

Hi @Altaf_Bankotkar

Your PayPal settings, or payment configuration, most likely are not complete. Review all the related forms and make sure they’re filled in completely.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I checked everything. It seems in order. 06%20PM



The Paypal link does not show up nor manual payment. The articles are still openly accessible although Ive set a reader fee of 20Euro.

Hi @Altaf_Bankotkar,

Under Distribution Settings > Payments, it looks like you’ve chosen the Manual payment plugin. Choose the Paypal plugin instead.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

ya i switch between both of them to check. Neither works. If I chose Manual atleast it should show the Manual procedure for payment right, Nothing happens… the click returns to the homepage.

Hi @Altaf_Bankotkar,

I would suggest working with the Paypal plugin rather than Manual.

Have you set your issue/article access to subscription-based? (Review the access settings in the Back Issues > Edit area.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Yes, @asmecher asmecher… It’s set to Subscription, as follows:

And the plugin chosen is Paypal. No success still

anyone can suggest please?

Hi @Altaf_Bankotkar,

When checking to see whether the Paypal link displays, are you still logged in with an administrative or managerial account? I’d suggest creating a user without a privileged role and seeing if that makes a difference. Privileged users are assumed to have subscriptions and thus you won’t see the payment page.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team