How can we change the image size, which can be uploaded via step 5.3 : title image ? I would like to change it from pixels to % ?
How can we change the image size, which can be uploaded via step 5.3 : title image ? I would like to change it from pixels to % ?
Hi @zaratushtra,
You can change the handling of the header image by uploading a CSS file overriding the default rules. Note that you’ll need experience with CSS, and I’d suggest working with a developer toolbar to help determine what rules are required.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
With the help of developer toolbar, I have determined my needs.
Simply I need to change the width to 100% solves my problem :
<img src="..../headerImage.jpg" width="100%" height="200" alt="Page Header">
However my CSS skills are not enough good to put these lines in custom CSS file, can you pls give me some clues ?
For a good introduction, see w3school’s CSS tutorial. Particularly : http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_dimension.asp
and perhaps
This may solve my problem as well. I need to adjust the size of homepage image. But in which file we need to make these modifications? Kindly write the full path of the file as I am not a computer guy.
Thanks !
In this thread, can you make me understand where to make the changes suggested by Zaratushtra? I need to adjust the size of homepage image.
Me puede indicar si pudiste solucionar el problema. Yo tengo el mismo inconvenienete.
What version of OJS are you using? This thread appears to relate to OJS 2.4.x. The other thread, where you have also posted, relates to OJS 3.x. The solution will be differnent (but similar) for each version.
If you have a link to share, this might be another way to help other offer some suggestions.
Uso el OJS 3 con el tema bootstrap. Gracias por responder
The OJS3 Bootstrap theme will require familiarity with CSS to customize the look and feel. A good place to start with CSS is W3Schools:
If you are already comfortable with CSS, please describe what you are looking to accomplish in more detail.