We did an upgrade from 2.4.8 to 3.1.1 (ex. Ojs.domain.com)
After some difficulties, we finally have almost everything running.
For some of our journals we have custom domains.(ex.: custom.domain.com) For these we have problems when we login and check the submissions:
We get the following 3 errors:
As we could let it work without the custom domain (and then the journal name behind), we added some code in the .htaccess file that does a rewrite of the custom domain to the regular. But off course then we get another error that the script is called cross over domains and that fails again (even if we tell that it is allowed in the htacces-file:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”
): “ Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource “
Also we saw that in Edge the working links sometimes doesn’t work. No idea why.
Can someone help us out.
Because of this error we have the following problem:
“the submissions are not displayed not in my queue, unassigned, all active. Nothing is displayed”
@ajnyga, sorry to involve you, but I believe you also have installation with different domains for different journals and you did not have this problem, correct?
No problem @bozana, but we did not upgrade to 3.1.1 yet. We do have subdomains like name.journal.fi in use, so thanks for letting me know about this possible issue. I will start testing upgrade to next week (right now on vacation)
the “base_url[index] and base_url[myJournal]” is there in the config.inc.php.
We only tested on 3.1.0 but without the custom domain names … so I don’t know if there is a difference between 3.1.0 and 3.1.1.
We had the same situation in 2.4.8., but did’nt have any problems. Before upgrading to version 3 we ran tests in 3.1.0 … but without the custom domains.
After searching and searching we found that this trick solved our problem (but wasn’t needed in ojs 2.4.x)
By adding the following line: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !api/v1/ in the .htaccess file:
An update to this issue. We did run into this with the subdomains. I have updated a new version of our mod_rewrite rules here How to remove index.php in ojs - #15 by ajnyga. They seem to solve the problem with the api calls in subdomains.
Edit: just noticed that @paul has a similar solution above. In our case I could not get it working with a one line solution like that. The difference in our setup is that we use wildcard subdomains.
The XAMPP related problem I mentioned is occurring because of the double slash // in api url. This can be solved by adding these new lines in the mod_rewrite rules before any other rules:
I also suddenly started getting this error today (OJS, however I didnt make any update or change. Using above 2 lines in mod_rewrite seems working.