Multiple Issue in OJS version

Since upgrading to the new OJS version, our users have been experiencing the following errors:

*Repeated Auto Logout after a couple of clicks. We have also observed this in our editors and admin accounts.

*Repeated appearance of the error message: The current role does not have access to this operation. Please refer to the attached screenshot.

*Repeated API.submisions.unknownerrors.

We have reviewed and tried things mentioned in the following threads:![api|690x276](upload://xu7RIf9HzqYCTjLrMINfCcQWM4m.png)![role|690x199](upload://shCX1qbmscUwt4XU9yeYNavO7Z2.png)

Please help since this is really impeding our work. Thank you.

Dear @pcansf and All,

today a Section Editor was reporting this behavior, and I have no clue what happened. Did you find any solution to this?

Thanks in advance,