you can put the language of an article in the “Languages” field in the backend, but as far as I can see it is never displayed. I want to include this information in my child theme. I thought I could just include them like the keywords (because these information ist part of the controlled vocabulary), but it doesn’t work. Is it enough to call them in the article_details.tpl or do I have to get them first in my Could you provide me with an example?
unfortunately no. I am talking about the metadata field “languages” in OJS 3, which can be added in the workflow settings (Submission Metadata). The values are stored in controlled_vocab_entry_settings.
I don’t know how to display these information (and some others like disciplines, subjects and supporting agencies). As far as I see they aren’t set in, am I correct? So I would need to add the code in order to display them in my .tpl file?
Thanks for clarifying what you are trying to do. I found this other topic that discusses how to display keywords in the article, which I think you can also apply to displaying the language. Please let me know if this works.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Just one last question: Will you include these information in the next (?) release? It’s great you can add those things with a theme, but I would think, it would be better to have these in the article handler.