Reviewer Overview page blank

I recently upgrade to the latest version. Everything seemed to go fine,but now when I click on the reviewer over view page, it is completely blank - not even an error. I am able to look at the server logs and get some errors from there. I can either click on Reviewer or 2 Active - both are blank. Here are the errors from the server log:

ojs2 has produced an error\n Message: WARNING: Cannot use a scalar value as an array\n In file: /opt/webapps/ojs/classes/journal/\n At line: 83\n Stacktrace: \n Server info:\n OS: Linux\n PHP Version: 5.3.3\n Apache Version: Apache/2.2.15 (Oracle)\n DB Driver: mysql\n DB server version: 5.1.66, referer:

ojs2 has produced an error\n Message: USER WARNING: Smarty error: unable to read resource: “reviewer/index.tpl”\n In file: /opt/webapps/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php\n At line: 1093\n Stacktrace: \n Server info:\n OS: Linux\n PHP Version: 5.3.3\n Apache Version: Apache/2.2.15 (Oracle)\n DB Driver: mysql\n DB server version: 5.1.66, referer:

Any ideas what might have changed?

Hi @sheardln,

From the error message, it looks like templates/reviewer/index.tpl is missing. Check your upgrade process to ensure that all the OJS code is present as it should be; if one file is missing, others may as well.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks Alec,
I was able to find the template and restore it. Silly question though - is there any easy way to find out if other files are missing? Other then stumbling across and error? Thanks!

Hi @sheardln,

Have a look at these suggestions:

I use diff to compare installations against the stock version. It’s useful to get a sense of what’s been modified.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks Alec!
Brilliant! I actually have an application that will compare differences. I didn’t think of it because I didn’t have a second installation of OJS. Duh. Thanks so much for your help!