Remove Author bio from page


Separated from earlier post here: The ORCID iD you specified is invalid error

From @PKP_Tam

I want to change a section on this page, for one article:

Journal editor(s) want to remove the Author bio on the landing page for this article. Can someone explain to me how an Admin could achieve this?

Steps taken by Editor:

  • If you look at landing pages for every other item in the recently published issue, you’ll see that none have author bios. link to issue: (V.27, No. 2: 2024)
  • We want to remove the author bio on Ragni’s landing page, and change his affiliation from University of Turin to University of Verona.
  • When I unpublished the issue, I was able to make those changes, BUT THEY WOULD NOT SAVE. Instead, I got the error message (above)
  • I attempted to re-enter the ORCID (after having checked that it is correct). But I kept getting the same error message.
  • We ended up having to republish the full issue, since this was affecting all of the other issue content (no longer visible). But we still need to fix this article entry.

Is this related to the action of adding the Orchid ID? I know this is automated through CrossRef.

I’m puzzled as to why I can simply delete the author bio on this article’s landing page.


Hi @PKP_Tam,

I see what you mean. Do any of the other authors featured in this issue have bios in their profiles? This suggests to me that they don’t, and that it is only showing up for Ragni, because that might be one of the only authors that does?

You could have the author remove the bio from their user profile (but that might be seen as somewhat intrusive). The other ways in which this is achieved is through modifying the theme code and/or CSS (requires ability to work with themes and CSS). But, note that this would apply accross the board in all issues on the journal. This is discussed in more detail here: Switch off Author Biography on Article page - #5 by mannemark

I think the DOI error is distinct for this issue, unless I’m misunderstanding…

I think this is a separate issue that I’ve responded to in the other forum thread - likely not tied to the ORCID ID. I’ve seen this occur with author bios where no ORCIDs were in use.

I don’t know how your ORCID IDs are set up, but the Crossref process is different - it’s geared toward DOIs - not ORCID IDs, so I suspect that this isn’t a factor.

PKP Team

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