I have a server installed with OJS 3.1.2-1. In order to increase security in my environment I enabled ReCaptcha in config.inc.php just by setting recaptcha = on, adding recaptcha keys, and captcha_on_register = on.
I try to register once and it worked perfectly. But now I’m trying to register again and I only get an Error 500.
This is my ojs log when I’m trying to register:
[Wed Nov 06 09:08:40.352818 2019] [php7:warn] [pid 56138] [client] PHP Warning: Declaration of RegistrationHandler::validate($request) should be compatible with PKPHandler::validate($requiredContexts = NULL, $request = NULL) in /home/ojs/lib/pkp/pages/user/RegistrationHandler.inc.php on line 19, referer: https://erevistas.publicaciones.uah.es/
[Wed Nov 06 09:08:40.367964 2019] [php7:warn] [pid 56138] [client] PHP Warning: Declaration of RegistrationForm::validate() should be compatible with Form::validate($callHooks = true) in /home/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/user/form/RegistrationForm.inc.php on line 21, referer: https://erevistas.publicaciones.uah.es/
[Wed Nov 06 09:08:40.462109 2019] [php7:error] [pid 56138] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getId() on null in /home/ojs/plugins/generic/orcidProfile/OrcidProfilePlugin.inc.php:253\nStack trace:\n#0 /home/ojs/plugins/generic/orcidProfile/OrcidProfilePlugin.inc.php(289): OrcidProfilePlugin->buildOAuthUrl(‘orcidAuthorize’, Array)\n#1 /home/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_runtime_filterhandler.php(63): OrcidProfilePlugin->registrationFilter(’\trunFilter(‘output’, '\trender(false, 1)\n#4 /home/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(134): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template), NULL, 'fe8 in /home/ojs/plugins/generic/orcidProfile/OrcidProfilePlugin.inc.php on line 253, referer: https://erevistas.publicaciones.uah.es/
I’ve tried going back my config.inc.php by configurating recaptcha = off, commented recaptcha keys, and captcha_on_register = off, but error 500 persists.
I’ve found out that if you are in the main page https://erevistas.publicaciones.uah.es/:
and you try to register, then url becomes “https://erevistas.publicaciones.uah.es/index.php/index/user/register”
and it doesn’t work:
However, if you log into the system with a registered user, you edit a journal called rev1:
and then log out, it appears another screen with url " https://erevistas.publicaciones.uah.es/index.php/rev1/login" (notice now it adds “rev1” to the url):
If you try to register on that screen, url becomes “https://erevistas.publicaciones.uah.es/index.php/rev1/user/register” and then it works:
I don’t know if it’s a normal functioning of OJS or there’s something wrong.
I’ll be so thankful if you could help me.
Thanks in advance.