So, I just realized that the author should be added to the discussion to see posts.
Here is what I got after adding him as the Copyeditor, but still the submitted file isn’t visible to the author in Draft Files:
The author will see only those files that were uploaded in Copyditing Discussion panel. Which wasn’t quite obvious to me.
@sabrinaeck, thank you for information,
are you sure you see Metadata when you are logged in as a Copyeditor?
I have to be logged in as Journal Editor to see them
@ania, you are right - copyeditor seems to have no access to the metadata (I was logged in with multiple roles, thats why I could see MD). Even when allowing my copyeditor role to see the production level, Metadata is not available … so good question
Files should get into the Copyediting via one of two mechanisms – either by selecting them in the “Send to Copyediting” modal (this is a source of confusion that we’ll resolve in a forthcoming release) or by uploading them directly to the top list on your screenshot.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team