I cannot upload any file. When I try to load an article, I open it (pdf) by the browser and looks like its has been loaded. But the file doesn’t show in nowhere. I keep loading files, but the result is always the same. I cannot publish the journal. I need help.
Hi Anderson,
Are there any errors appearing in you server’s error log when you upload files? Can you upload non-PDF files? Your web server will need to be able to write to the files/ directory specified in your config.inc.php file. How large is the file? PHP has a file size limit that is configurable in your server’s php.ini file. Any details you can provide will be useful in debugging your problem.
Thanks for your help, Jason.
I will try to give more information:
The files size are between 200 and 900 MB.
I cannot even upload the cover image to the journal (gif or jpg).
I already try to upload the files in my own computer, in the office, my wife computer. All with same result.
I can give more information if it’s necessary.
Thank you again.
Hi Anderson,
I almost guarantee that your files are hitting the maximum file size limit in your PHP configuration. There are configuration directives in php.ini on your server that need to be increased in order to upload files that large. This is not an OJS problem – once you make the changes to php.ini you will need to restart Apache.
Thanks again, Jason.
I am not a computer specialist, I really don’t know how to config php.ini, but I can say that It’s not it. I tried with 20mb files. Same problem. I open the file, it’s begin to load, the webpage refresh, and became the same.
any thoughts?
Hi Anderson,
20 Mb is still too big for a default PHP configuration. The initial default is only 1Mb.
Without seeing your server logs, it’s difficult to suggest an alternative course of action.
There is some kind of tutorial? Maybe I can change the config.
I had a similar problem that upload files is limited to only 2MB. It happened in my OCS installation also in drupal. The PHP version was 5.2.
After changing the PHP version to 5.3 in the installation folder, now I don’t have any problems. I can upload paper to OCS 10MB, 20MB (never try beyond that). In drupal indicates maximum size 512 MB.
In my case I changed the PHP version in the particular folder in the server using cpanel > ntPHPselector. I did not change any config files, only the PHP version.
Regards, waluyo
Thanks for the comment, Waluyo. Anderson, if you google for “changing maximum file size for uploads in PHP” you will find lots of information on the subject.
We have OJS users who have successfully uploaded files that are hundreds of Mb in size. Keep in mind that how well this works depends on your network connection. If it is slow, you might be waiting a long time.
Thanks Jason.
waluyo, I was uploading from a webpage (using Firefox). I don’t have a specific software. How can I update?
Could you be more specific how do you proceeded?
I tested with a 80KB file. Same problem.
Anderson, can I get a login to test?
Hello @Anderson_Rocha and @jnugent
Were you able to resolve your problem with the file upload?
We are encountering similar problems: During the submission process, a
submission file is selected using the browser but upon clicking the
upload button, nothing happens without an error message.
Any help would be appreciated since no user can currently submit any articles to our journal.
Thank you.
Hi @mamo,
Have you checked the file permissions on the directory specified in the files_dir
directive in your config.inc.php
configuration file? There’s information in the README
file on what file permissions should be. If that’s not the issue, then try uploading a small file. If you can get small files to upload but not large ones, then the most likely cause is file size limits in your PHP configuration (see php.ini
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
HI I’m having similar problem. Sometimes, there is a problem uploading pdf files. The upload directory has proper permissions, and file’s size is always below the limit. Still some files are not uploaded and cause the 500 error.
Any help would appreciated.
Hi @crkvens,
A 500 error should always provide more details in your server’s log, probably the web server and/or PHP error logs. Check there for more information.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thanks for reply. I checked log files and it was not 500 error it was 404? Page in question is: /author/saveSubmit/2 (paper submission). The strange thing is that some pdfs are uploaded.
Hi @asmecher,
The problem in my case was mod_fcgid ( FcgidMaxRequestLen was to short) . Hope this helps someone in future.
I created php.ini file using notepad and paste following text inside the file:
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 32M
Finally, I uploaded php.ini file into OCS folder. The problem of uploading has been solved. Thanks for your advice.
Hello, we are currently on the same issue as Anderson, everything is been working well for years, but now it is no possible to upload submissions. We have checked both, permission setings to access the files_dir (755) and php max size and post to 32M in the php.ini… There is no way, even with a few Kb document, same result as Anderson.
Recent changes:
- Upgrade to OJS 248
- Added SSL certificate to login
May one of this recent changes be the reason for this issue?