Problem Loading Cover Image OMP-3.4.0-7

I’m using OMP-3.4.0-1 in a linux box with debian 12 and php 8.2.24, the problem is when I try to load one image for the cover the next popup appears whe I make click in the save buttom:

When the popup goes off and I make click newly in the save buttom appears this:

In the log file appears the next message:

Thanks, Django

Hi @comitecinco,

I suspect your PHP environment is missing the GD extension, which provides image manipulation functions. Enable the extension in your PHP configuration, then restart your web server.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thaks for your reply Alec.

The extension was installed, no errors appears but the image is not showed in the catalog, in the work area now appears this message:

These are the extensions installed in the server:

THanks, Django

Hi @comitecinco,

Are you still seeing error messages in your PHP error log when the file is uploaded?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec,

Yes this is:


Hi @comitecinco,

You’re missing the actual error message – that’s just the stack trace that goes with it. Have a look further up in the error log. (It’ll be a lot easier to read if you’re able to copy the text and paste it here, rather than posting a screenshot!)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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