Hi all,
Having some trouble with getting the PN plugin working. Using OJS 3.3.0-15 with v. of the PN plugin. Initially the plugin was failing to connect with the Preservation Network; we had to do some database column remediation to get it to where it would package up issues for transmission. Before the holidays, we were seeing a “In Progess” message that looked normal, so we waited.
Upon returning from the holidays on Tuesday, we were seeing messages that our issues had failed the staging server’s antivirus checks. This really puzzled us, but we ran different antiviral scans on our issues just in case, and they came up clean. I resubmitted one of the 3 issues as a test and we waited.
Today, it looks as though all 3 issues seem to have been resubmitted, even though I only reset one of them. The antivirus errors are gone, but they are now all showing a status of “Deposit failed, ensure it didn’t exceed the maximum size supported by the Preservation Network.” This puzzles us again, because the issues, while in both PDF and HMTL formats, don’t seem to be particularly large.
The plugin’s latest log is as follows:
[2024-01-04 17:25:17] journals.psu.edu
[2024-01-04 17:25:17] [Notice] Task process started.
[2024-01-04 17:25:18] [Notice] PKP Preservation Network Processor
[2024-01-04 17:25:18] [Notice] Depositor processing for Penn State Journal of Medicine.
[2024-01-04 17:25:18] [Notice] Getting service document.
[2024-01-04 17:25:18] [Notice] Processing new content.
[2024-01-04 17:25:19] [Notice] Processing updated content.
[2024-01-04 17:25:19] [Notice] Packaging content for deposit.
[2024-01-04 17:25:19] [Notice] Processing deposit status updates.
[2024-01-04 17:25:19] [Notice] Trying status update for 1 (Issue: 3075) (Local Status: [Transferred], Processing Status: [Received], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2024-01-04 17:25:19] [Notice] Processing status got for 1 -> (deposit-error)
[2024-01-04 17:25:19] [Notice] Trying status update for 2 (Issue: 3106) (Local Status: [Transferred], Processing Status: [Received], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2024-01-04 17:25:20] [Notice] Processing status got for 2 -> (deposit-error)
[2024-01-04 17:25:20] [Notice] Trying status update for 3 (Issue: 3126) (Local Status: [Transferred], Processing Status: [Received], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2024-01-04 17:25:20] [Notice] Processing status got for 3 -> (deposit-error)
[2024-01-04 17:25:20] [Notice] Sending deposits to the PKP PN.
[2024-01-04 17:25:20] [Notice] Pruning orphaned deposits.
[2024-01-04 17:25:20] [Notice] Task process stopped.
Any help would be appreciated. The journal issues in question are at https://journals.psu.edu/medicine/issue/archive. (If it makes any difference, the issues are presented as individual articles rather than full issue files.) Many thanks in advance.