I wanted to intall two plugins, paperbuzz and sword plugin.
I could not find the sword plugin in the plugin gallery since the github instruction recommended installing via the gallery i have not installed manually.
I’m using OJS is the plugin not compatible with the newest version?
The problem that i have with paperbuzz plugin is completely different. My university wanted to use paperbuzz but we use another registration agency, Datacite Fabrica.
Is it still possible to use paperbuzz or is crossref essencial in order to use it?
Thanks for your question. We would recommend waiting until it has been added to the plugin gallery.
However, if you are looking to install this right away you can check the plugin repository to see if there is a compatible version.
Please note, if you try to install a version that is not compatible with your current OJS installation,
you do run the risk of break it. Typically, if a plugin isn’t in the Plugin Gallery, we can’t guarantee it’ll work.
As well, I don’t believe a Crossref membership is required to use/display information, for journals that do not assign DOIs will only display download metrics.
I hope that this clarification is helpful, but please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you for your response. Is this also the case for sword plugin? should i wait for it to be add to the plugin gallery or can i install it manually?
I wanted to be certain in a particular aspect. I do have a DOI for my journal but it is not from Crossref but from DataCite. Is paperbuzz compatible with DataCite’s DOI or does it require the use of Crossref to work properly?
My understanding is that Paperbuzz uses several data sources but depends considerably on the CrossRef event data stream, which I wouldn’t expect to include DataCite DOIs.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team