I installed several days ago the PKP PN plugin (in OJS for archiving the journal: [Integrated Science Education Journal] (https://cahaya-ic.com/index.php/ISEJ)
I followed the steps, checked the 8 check-boxes, and I even obtained a “journal identifier”.
However, the Status is “The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet”.
Could anyone help me? Thank you very much in advance.
Usually it can take several days for the PKP PN to recognize your journal, so it may be worth waiting a little longer, but I’m tagging one of our staff @jonasraoni here who may be able to assist with troubleshooting should issues persist.
Please note that OJS 3.1 is quite outdated and no longer supported by PKP, so you may want to consider updating at your earliest convenience.
I see the previous status (The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet) has been changed, so you don’t need to do anything else, just wait one day (the plugin attempts to process the issues once per day). If you see errors, then let us know, and we’ll try to help you to solve them.
Thank you for the information you provide, can you check my two other journals (Journal Evaluation in Education (JEE) (https://cahaya-ic.com/index.php/JEE) and Journal of Basic and Education Research (https:/ /cahaya-ic.com/index.php/JBER)?, which was setting at the same time yesterday, but the status is still The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.
Thank you for the information you provide @jonasraoni , can you check my two other journals (Journal Evaluation in Education (JEE) (https://cahaya-ic.com/index.php/JEE) and Journal of Basic and Education Research (https://cahaya-ic.com/index.php/JBER)?, which was setting at the same time yesterday, but the status is still The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.
All of them are allowed to submit deposits, but I can’t see any deposits yet.
You might take a look at the logs located at {$files_dir}/scheduledTaskLogs, the log files related to this plugin should start with “PKPPN…”, just take a look on the latest one and feel free to post its content here if you can’t understand if it’s ok or not.
Thanks, I see the tasks are running, but we need to see the content of the file.
You can send the content for the log file which was created today/yesterday.
On our side everything seems to be ok, which means you shouldn’t be seeing that message anymore. So I need to view the content of the logs in order to understand what’s happening.
Please, open one of those recent log files (it’s just a text file) and send me content.
Thanks! I can see the plugin is trying to submit the issues, but it’s failing to generate the package with the submissions, then the whole process is interrupted.
Now it’s the tough part, to discover what’s wrong…
Do you know where’s the error log of your server (where the server keeps error messages that happened in PHP)? I’ll need to messages related to the day 18/12/2022.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see anything helpful in the log, just a generic error at the code that generates the citations, it could be the reason, but I’m not sure
You can try to upgrade your version to to see if it solves the issue… In fact, we highly indicate moving to 3.3.0, which will be supported for a long time, and also has a better error reporting