The “test title” is not causing the Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned. But maybe there’s more hickups in js/build.js. @Sufyan_Sher Where did you get your installation package from?
it was installed by another developer. I dont know from where he did. but last time when i upgrade it to I downloaded tar.gz from
Hi @asmecher
Besides the 500 error as reported above, I found some undefined 404. But I need to further investigate and compare with my test system.
going via Settings -> Website -> Plugins -> PlnPlugin Settings the modal shows the correct title
going via Settings -> Distribution -> Archiving -> plugin settings the modal shows the “test title”
as for the Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned
there must be something wrong with the settingsUrl somewhere in the code. On the console I’ve testet the disablePluginUrl and enablePluginUrl and both worked fine. Other plugins that use /$$$call$$$/grid/settings/plugins/settings-plugin-grid/manage?verb=settings&plugin=... work fine.
the response to the AJAX call is empty and causes a 404.
Alternatively, after uninstalling the plugin, I’ve copied the plugin’s stable-3_2_1 branch and did composer install and activated it again with no changes, still no useful response.
It should be mentioned that the plugin has an interesting that should be made available or linked in the backend.