We have multi-journal website under OJS with only two journals. We want to preserve the content through PKP PN. We followed the procedure for both journals. This means we enabled PKP PN plugin for both journals and enabled Acron plugin and reloaded the scheduled task for both journals. However, after the whole month the deposit statuses are:
one journal has a list of all issues published but for all of them “checked” column is zero and “local status” is New. Processing and Lockss statuses are “unknown”.
another journal just has the message “Network Status: The PKP PLN can accept deposits from this journal.” and no list of issues at all.
Exporting the issue through the Native export plugin seems to work fine.
We can find "PKPPNDepositorTask-.log files in scheduledTaskLogs folder. These files seem to be generated every day since of enabling of the plugin. Typical content of these files are:
[2021-04-23 11:12:18] https://pub.iapchem.org/ojs
[2021-04-23 11:12:18] [Notice] Task process started.
[2021-04-23 11:12:18] [Notice] PLN Depositor executeActions started
[2021-04-23 11:12:18] [Notice] Depositor processing for ADMET and DMPK.
[2021-04-23 11:12:18] [Notice] Getting service document.
[2021-04-23 11:12:19] [Notice] Processing deposit status updates.
[2021-04-23 11:12:19] [Notice] Processing updated content.
Only log files with the “depositor processing for…” for one journal exist. No log files generated for the processing of the other journal.
Hi @zmandic, I asked one of my colleagues who helps run the PN network and they said that there is an issue with one of the LOCKSS boxes that might be causing this. They are currently working to fix it. Until then, you’ll likely see these scheduled tasks failing. But give it some time to see if it resolves itself.
Ok! Could you please forward the contents of the latest log (located in the “{$FILES_DIR}/scheduledTaskLogs”, there should be files prefixed with “PKPPN…”)?
I just can say that on our side everything seems to be ok, I can see two journals registered, but there are no deposits.
Hi Jonas,
I’ve tried to send the log file by email but it was bounced back so I am attaching it here.
From what I see, only one journal has been mentioned in the file without the trace of the other.
Kind regards,
I do not see how to share the file here so I am copy/pasting the content of the file PKPPNDepositorTask-62a2444439761-20220609.log from a couple of days ago.
[2022-06-09 21:04:36] https://pub.iapchem.org/ojs
[2022-06-09 21:04:36] [Notice] Task process started.
[2022-06-09 21:04:36] [Notice] PLN Depositor executeActions started
[2022-06-09 21:04:36] [Notice] Depositor processing for ADMET and DMPK.
[2022-06-09 21:04:36] [Notice] Getting service document.
[2022-06-09 21:04:37] [Notice] Processing deposit status updates.
[2022-06-09 21:04:37] [Notice] Processing updated content.
[2022-06-09 21:04:37] [Notice] Processing new content.
[2022-06-09 21:04:37] [Notice] Packaging content for deposit.
[2022-06-09 21:04:37] [Notice] Trying package deposit 1 (Issue: 1) (Local Status: [New], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2022-06-09 21:04:38] [Notice] Packaging for deposit 1 succeeded
Don’t you have anything more after this text in the log?
After the last message you posted, there should be more data:
[Notice] Sending deposits to the PKP PN.
[Notice] Trying transfer deposit 1 (Issue: 1) (Local Status: [Packaged], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
And in the end of the file there should be a: [Notice] Task process stopped.
If your file ends there, then I guess an error happened in the way and broke the process.
Could you please send a piece of the error log, the range could be from the time the process started (2022-06-09 21:04:38) until perhaps one minute later
Hi Jonas,
every day the same log file is generated with exactly the same content.
I followed your instructions and found that the log file named: Usagestatisticsfileloadertask-62add9b5801e0-20220618.log is created approximately 19 hours after the PKPPN log file. The content of this file is always like this:
[2022-06-18 15:57:09] https://pub.iapchem.org/ojs
[2022-06-18 15:57:09] [Notice] Task process started.
[2022-06-18 15:57:11] [Notice] File /home/iapchemo/iapc_ojs3124_files/usageStats/processing/usage_events_20220617.log was processed and archived.
[2022-06-18 15:57:11] [Notice] Task process stopped.
I also found usage_events_20220617.log in archive folder. I would send it to you but for some reasons I do not know how to send the file here. I tried gmail but it was bounced back.
I need the data from the error log which is managed by PHP.
You can find the path of this file by typing this command in the shell php -i | grep error_log or through the administrative panel of OJS, probably at https://pub.iapchem.org/ojs/index.php/index/admin/phpinfo (after opening, just search for error_log).
The file will be probably full of messages, so I just need the ones that happened near to the deposit attempt.