Good day @everyone
I encountered an error message when I accessed the “Issues” section of the admin page.
“Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned”
After purchasing Website Security, I began receiving an error warning when attempting to update articles in the current volume’s issues. Previously, without Website Security enabled, the error notice I got was connected to the ORCID plugin, which I ignored because it did not interfere with my ability to upload articles and full papers. Now, the new version of OJS displays a different error message(Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned), which appears to be the first I encountered after enabling security.
PHP Error Log:
[21-May-2024 14:05:57 UTC] PHP Deprecated: mb_convert_encoding(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type array|string is deprecated in /home/root/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/search/SubmissionSearchIndex.php on line 51
// Attempts to fix bad UTF-8 characters
$previous = mb_substitute_character();
$text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'); //line 51 PHP Deprecated: mb_convert_encoding(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type array|string is deprecated
I read this post Charrecter Encoding Problem - Convert data from 2.3.5 to 3.1 and it give me and idea to check in my database format.
PhpMyAdmin Database:
All Type of Tables =“InnoDB”
and some Collation of the tables = “latin1_swedish_ci”, and “utf8mb3_general_ci”;
[21-May-2024 14:05:57 UTC] Exception: The ORCID plugin is enabled, but its settings are invalid. In order to fix, access the plugin settings and try to save the form in /home/root/public_html/plugins/generic/orcidProfile/OrcidProfilePlugin.php:106
Stack trace:
#0 /home/root/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/plugins/PluginRegistry.php(76): APP\plugins\generic\orcidProfile\OrcidProfilePlugin->register('generic', 'plugins/generic...', NULL)
#1 /home/root/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/plugins/PluginRegistry.php(121): PKP\plugins\PluginRegistry::register('generic', Object(APP\plugins\generic\orcidProfile\OrcidProfilePlugin), 'plugins/generic...', NULL)
#2 [internal function]: PKP\plugins\PluginRegistry::PKP\plugins\{closure}(Object(APP\plugins\generic\orcidProfile\OrcidProfilePlugin), 'plugins/generic...')
#3 /home/root/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/plugins/PluginRegistry.php(121): array_walk_recursive(Array, Object(Closure))
#4 /home/root/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/core/Dispatcher.php(155): PKP\plugins\PluginRegistry::loadCategory('generic', true)
#5 /home/root/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/core/PKPApplication.php(388): PKP\core\Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(APP\core\Request))
#6 /home/root/public_html/index.php(21): PKP\core\PKPApplication->execute()
#7 {main}
[21-May-2024 14:05:57 UTC] Exception: The ORCID plugin is enabled, but its settings are invalid. In order to fix, access the plugin settings and try to save the form in /home/root/public_html/plugins/generic/orcidProfile/OrcidProfilePlugin.php:106
Please help,
Best Regards,
Darryl Nuyda