Pay per view in OJS 3.1

Thanks asmecher, but you probably meant PayPal payments then? The question, however, was about manual payments. It is the fact that OJS 3.2.1 does not have pay-per-view for manual payments. There’s no additional feature whatsoever for manual payments in any version of OJS so upgrade won’t do the trick.

What’s the manual payment option for, really? It would be more honest from developers if you just called it “no payments” but it seems you tried to make it sound like an alternative to PayPal, but it’s not. It’s nothing really - no options, no features, no instructions, no technical documentation. Alone in a desert, more like it.

Which brings me back to the old question of alternative payment methods to PayPal - as there are dozens of equally or more reliable services out there nowadays - but you developers (and whoever is behind your project) seem more keen to promote PaylPal than offering a fair and truly open platform.

Glad to see you’re back from “a few weeks off” in just a day when financial matters are being questioned.