ORCID Plugin - ORCID iD Not Retrieved After Connecting/Registering

The email template URL issue should be resolved in 3.2.1-3 and 3.3 - Remove script host from smarty variables · Issue #6344 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

In the meantime, as a workaround, you should be able to replace the hyperlinked ORCID URL in the email templates with just


It will resolve into a long and ugly URL, but it will work without the relative URL part being prepended to it.


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Hi, I am using OJS version 3…3.0.6. Before this I can see the orcid profile plugins but have problem entering the clientid and client secret. Whenever want to update this at the journal side, it keeps loading. Then i dowloaded the latest orcid plugins which has been uploaded into github 15 days ago and try upgrading.

Now the whole orcid plugins gone missing at the administrator plugins list. what shall i do? could you please let me know how to fix this?
Thank you

Hi @thana,

Can you please create a new post for this issue you are experiencing? This is an older post, but you can include a link to it in your new post.

Thank you,

PKP Staff

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