Orcid-logo not showing with multiple writers

Markku Roinila

Jun 2, 2020, 8:27:36 AM EDT

Hello all,

We have integrated Orcid to our OJS-installation in Helsinki University Library. A customer asked us whether this is a bug or can it be solved: when there are several writers per article, only in the last one the Orcid-logo is visible. See an example here: The three-factor model: A study of common features in students' attitudes towards studying and learning science and mathematics in the three countries of the North Calotte region | LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education
Then links are working, only the logo remains invisible. Anybody have any ideas on this?


Hi Markku,
welcome to the forum!

Which version of OJS and the orcid plugin you are using?

I am also facing this issue in OPS latest version.


Thanks, we are using OJS and Orcid-plugin as follows:

I suspect this is exactly the same situation as our problem, ORCID Icon Missing for 1st Author

I want to confirm that this problem has been successfully resolved. Today I upgraded plugin to version 1.1.1-4 and everything works fine in it.