this is a bug in the version that is distributed with the plugin gallery for OJS 3.1.2.
I already fixed this in our own version and I will open a pull request on GitHub.
After reviewing @asmecher could put the new version in the plugin gallery.
In the meantime you could download the plugin code from our repository and let me know if this fixes the problem:
Thanks @nweiher for the update and reply. After installing the plugin from your repository. I noticed that ORCID icon gone missing for all the authors. Screenshot attached!
Dear @nweiher
I hope the message was not misunderstood. The problem is still there. ORCID plugin is not fetching the ORCID icon on the article display page (see picture in my previous post).
Looking forward a resolution.
the change proposed in the other thread only restores the old functionality of displaying the ORCID icon for every author, regardless if it the Id has been authenticated through the plugin.
They should fix the error of displaying “[object Object]” instead of the icon. The error was caused by tranforming the SVG icon into a jquery Object and then appending the ORCID url to it which transformed the JavaScript Object to a string.
Sorry again, please update the plugin with the changes. The fix with uncommenting the line would be a conflict with the ORCID Id display guidelines.
Many thanks, @nweiher - today I faced exactly the same problem (OJS, orcidProfile plugin! Both authors are authenticated, but there is only one green ORCID. I corrected the code and everything became in order. Hopefully the developers will include this in the new version of the plugin.
We migrated our OJS to the latest version that included changes to the orcid plugin. We find two issues. The first issue was that’ historic loaded orcid’ (and unauthenticated) were no longer seen, which is why I uncomment the line that again showed the orcid icon to the authors who had it loaded. The second issue was that in articles where there were more than two authors and they were authenticated, it did not show the orcid of the first, the solution is that you mentioned in your previous post.
Finally we implemented a comparison to preserve the historic loaded orcid:
yes the newest changes to the plugin are not yet part of the official repository and also not yet in the plugin gallery. I was busy with other work, so I can only look at the plugin from time to time.
Today I updated orcidProfile plugin to orcidProfile plugin (we use OJS And found that the problem has not gone away! We still have one green icon, only for the last author.
I want to confirm that this problem has been successfully resolved. Today I upgraded plugin to version 1.1.1-4 and everything works fine in it. Thanks!