OMP monography series title

For reference I posted the same question here OMP 3.3 Series title in monograph summary and an improvement suggestion here [OMP] Display series title and position in catalog view. But now my brilliant colleague Kevin, from our IT department, managed to solve it.

He added the following to the submission class classes/submission/

    function getSeriesTitle() {
            $publication = $this->getCurrentPublication();
            if (!$publication) {
                    return '';
            $seriesId = $publication->getData('seriesId');
            if (!$seriesId) {
                    return '';
            $seriesDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SeriesDAO');
            $series = $seriesDao->getById($seriesId, $this->getData('contextId'));
            if (!$series) {
                    return '';
            return $series->getLocalizedTitle();

Apparently it’s a quick solution that may be improved, but it’s working fine for us here
Maybe this could work for you as well?

Best regards,