We’ve come upon the following issues while trying to import one of our journals:
There seems to be no way to import a full issue galley. The XML part for it looks like this:
But after the import procedure is over, this galley is missing. As far as I know, this issue has not yet been addressed anywhere. The error is this:
> HP Fatal error: Call to a member function setDeployment() on null in …plugins/importexport/native/filter/NativeXmlIssueFilter.inc.php
During the import all the recurrent section titles are repeated in Settings → Journal → Sections the number of times they occur in different issues. I believe this issue should have been addressed here: https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues/1709
But please, let me know, if it is not my case.
If some article has no author, the issue gets cut off on this article during the import.
If the issue number is a string (“1-2” in our case), the issue is not imported.
The articles imported
The articles imported are not available for any type of search (not indexed?)
Just another issue: The articles imported seem to be unavailable for any type of search.
Search functionality (both general and by author) just does not seem to work for all those articles imported.
I cannot even filter them by date.
Meanwhile, you can manually re-index your content by running…
php tools/rebuildSearchIndex.php
Note that search results are cached for 24 hours, so you might also need to flush your data cache (as site administrator) before new content shows up for searches you’ve recently executed.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I think, I’ve found another issue (sorry :)).
After importing issues, the authors’ names are not displayed in article lists. Here is an example:
Looking for some possible cause for this, I found that the option “In Browse Lists” appeared to be unchecked for all those authors, whose articles were imported:
Now, the question is this: is there a way to enable this option for all authors when importing?
And why this option was introduced in OJS3?
I double checked the authors XML import options. There is an attribute “include_in_browse” for the element “author” that should be set to “true”, if you want to display the author. Thus, you will have to use this attribute for each author XML element.
There seem to be no element for article pages in schema. So these can be neither exported, nor imported.
Sorry for dubbing it here, I would just like to let all the others know about this issue.
The user_group_ref attribute of the author element should be used for that, i.e. for example user_group_ref="Translator", where user group name should be used as the value – the default is “Translator”, I think, but you can see it in your roles list.
I’m really sorry to bug you again about this, but that keyword issue seems to be the last ‘sine qua non’ for our editors. They refuse to transfer their journals without keywords
Could you please tell when that element might be added. Thank you.